
发布 2024-03-20 03:35:14 阅读 2123


一、按照字母表的顺序默写26个字母的大小写(5分 )


1. woman复数(women,womans) 对应词(father,mother)

3. slow反义词(train, fast) 复数(manss, men )

复数(children, childs ) 6. loud副词(loudly, loud)

7. slow 比较级(slower , slow) 8. fast比较级(faster, slow)

反义词(hard , top10. left反义词(right, this)

三、选择填空,在正确的单词译文下画横线(20 x 1=20)

、tired(劳累的, 桃子). 2、stamp(左边,邮票).

3、cry(汽水,哭4、e-mail (电子邮件, 感谢).

5、top(顶端, 听6、adress(洋娃娃, 地址)

7、computer(电脑, 电视8、postcard(明信片, 是的).

9、gift(在。。。上方, 礼物). 10、easy (风筝, 容易的)

11、help(帮助, 桃子12、quickly(迅速的,邮票).

13、many(许多,哭14、see(电子邮件, 看到).

15、sleep(顶端,睡觉16、look(洋娃娃, 看)

17、some(电脑, 一些18、baby(明信片, 婴儿).

19、draw(画画, 礼物20、panda(熊猫, 容易的)


) 1. a quickly b slowly c loud d quietly

) 2. a easy b hard c happy d everyone

) 3. a arm b feet c nose d soup

) 4. a men b man c women d books

) 5. a walk b talk c now d play

五、单选。(20 x1 =20)

( )1. what are you

a. do

)2. i ama book .

a. read b. reading

)3. who is

a. sing

)4. would you like___

a. a cup of tea b. cup tea

)5. how far is it __beijing to shijiazhuang?

a. from b. to

) arrives __beijing

a. in b. an

)7. there are many __on the street.

a. people b. peoples

)8. they walk

a. slowly b. slower

)9. i feels

a. scaredd b. scared

)10. my name __danny

a. be

)11. don’t

a. worryy

)12i help you take a picture? .

a. need b. may

)13. who wants to

a. go shop shopping

)14. _go to wangfujing .

a. let b. let’s

)15. they

a. sits and sits b. sit and sit

)16is the post office

a. on b. where

)17. i’ll __two.

a. took b. take

)18. we are __the right .

a. in b. on

)19. what’s my __address?

a. mother b. mother’s

)20. this __a camera

a. be


ab ) 1. who is hungrya. i’m singing a song.

) 2. how old is the palace museum? b. it’s 2:30

) 3. how far is it from china to canada? c. yes, you may.

) 4. may i go shoppingd. i’m hungry.

) are you doinge. five hundred years old.

) 6. thank straight down the street.

) 7 what time is itg. it’s about 8500 kilometres.

) is the hotelh. you are welcome.

)9. what happenedi. they are tea.

) are theyj . i broken my tail!


1. 天安门广场 2.放风筝 3.看电视 4.多远 5.旅游快乐

6.一瓶牛奶 7.下棋 8. 20元 9.拍照 10.打扰了。

excuse metake a picture___

fly kiteshow far___

a glass of milkh**e a great trip___

play checkerswatch tv___

twenty yuantian’anman square___



time is it?


一 积累运用 40分 1 读拼音写词语 5分 w n x u n i j n j hu n w w n y n z o o li x f n x xi n m bi n ji n 2 辨字组词 2分 彻辩寇幕 沏辨冠慕 3 把加点字不正确的读音划去 4分 嘲讽 f ng f ng 狭隘 i y 疙瘩...


2 教师继续在枝干上画树叶,继而引出summer 3 教师利用简笔画引出fall 和winter 4 交换司出示各种天气状况的 进行师生问答,如 t what s the weather like s it s windy t what season is it now s spring 等。教师继...


2007 2008学年度第二学期期中调研考试。五年级语文试卷 共8版 题号得分。一。二。三。四。卷面分。总分。卷首语 自信是走向成功的第一秘诀。把这次测验作为一次挑战吧,相信自己会成功的。这次考试卷面可是占5分的,你可要认真书写哟!一 语汇积累。1 只有读准字音,才能准确表达意思,相信你能把下面加点...