
发布 2024-03-20 01:10:12 阅读 7908



1. 概念:表示请求、命令、劝告、建议等的句子。

2. 特征:

① 祈使句省略主语you (you) close the door, please.

② 祈使句以动词原形开头stand up.

③ 祈使句变否定句,句首加don’t

open the door. -don’t open the door.

二、there be 句型。


2. there is + 可数名词单数 + 地点 there is a book on the desk.

there is + 不可数名词 + 地点 there is some water in the cup.

there are + 可数名词复数 + 地点 there are 3 books on the bed.




___are apples用this,that,these,those填空。

___man is my brother.

___3 dogs are lovely.

___is a clock on the wall.



1. what 什么对物、动作提问。

it is a cat. what is it?

he is singing a song. what is he doing?

2. who 谁对人提问。

lily likes dancing. who likes dancing?

3. how 怎么样对身体状况、交通方式提问

i’m fine. how are you?


they go to school by bus. how go they go to school?

4. whose 谁的对…的提问 (常见的有物主代词和名词所有格)

my pen is red. whose pen is red?

this red pen is mine. whose is this red pen?

lily’s pen is on the bed. whose pen is on the bed?

5. where **对地点提问

his pen is on the bed. where is his pen?

they are flying kites on the playground. where are they flying kites?

6. which 哪一个对定语提问。

the man in the car is my uncle. 在车里的这个男的是我的叔叔。

which man is your uncle?

7. why 为什么对原因提问。

i like summer because i can swim. why do you like summer?

8. when 什么时间对时间提问。

he does his homework in the evening. when does his do his homework?

9. what time 什么时间对点钟提问。

the english lesson is at 8:00. when is the english lesson?

10. how often 多久一次对频率提问。

i brush my teeth once a day. 我一天刷一次牙。

how often do you brush your teeth?

表频率常见的词有:once a week 一周一次 twice a month 一个月两次。

three times a year 一年三次。

11. how many 多少,对数量提问后接可数名词复数。

he has five books. how many books does he h**e?

12. how much 对价钱、不可数名词的数量提问。

how much + be 多少钱。

the dress is 100 yuan. how much is the dress?

how much + 不可数名词单数

there are two cups of tea. how much tea are there?

13. how long 多长对长度提问。

the ruler is 20 cm. how is the ruler?

14. how far 多远对距离提问。

it’s 100 kilometers from beijing to shanghai.

how far is from beijing to shanghai?

15. how tall 多高对身高提问。

i am 1.6 meters tall. how tall are you?

16. what colour 什么颜色对颜色提问。

this pen is black. what colour is this pen?

五、介词。1. on

① 在…上 the book is on the desk.

② 星期、日期、节日 on monday on july 1 on children’s day

③ 某日中的一段时间 on a cold winter morning

on monday afternoon on the morning of july 1

2. in

① 在…里 my bag is in the desk.

② 世纪、年、季节、月、星期。

in summer in january in a week

③ in + 语言 in english in chinese

④ in + 颜色/某件衣服穿着…的人。

the girl in red is lily. 这个穿红色衣服的女孩是lily。

the man in a white shirt is bob. 这个穿白衬衣的男人是bob。

3. at① at + 小地点 at the train station 在火车站。

区分:in + 大地点 in china in beijing

at + 点钟 at 6:30 at seven o’clock

4. with 和,用。

① i can hear with my ears. 我可以用我的耳朵听。

② i will go to beijing with tom. 我将要和tom去北京。

③ the teacher walked into the classroom with a book in his hand.


5. for

为,给 i bought a gift for my mother. 我给我妈买了一份礼物。

因为 thanks for helping me. 谢谢你帮助我。

当作,作为 we will h**e noodles for lunch. 我们午饭将吃面条。

6. behind 后面 in front of 在前面 in the front of 在前面(内部)

between… and … 在…之间 next to 紧挨着 near 靠近。

in the middle of 在… 中间。

7. 固定搭配。

look at 看 listen to 听 play with 和… 玩 look after 照顾。

look for 寻找 look like 看起来像 wait for 等待 on duty 值日。

in the sun 在阳光下。

来自:be from come from

到达:arrive in + 大地点 arrive at + 小地点。


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