冀教版五年级英语上册语法点讲解 练习

发布 2020-11-09 08:42:28 阅读 9231

unit 1 知识点。

1. h**e(has)有。


练习: i __an applehe __a banana.

she __a carrotthey __many books.

lucy and lily __a good friend. tom’s mother __a brother.

my parents __one child, me.

2. jing’s parents 静的父母。

’s …的 (名词所有格)

一般直接加’s 以s结尾加’

例:teachers’ day 教师节children’s day 儿童节。

jenny’s room jing’s parents thomas’ cat

3. look at + 人/物练习: look __that cat look __the girl

4. what do/does 人 look like? 用来问某人的外貌。

例:what does lucy look like?lucy长什么样?

what do the twins look like? 这对双胞胎长什么样?

5. too 也 (用于句末,并用逗号隔开) 例:

also 也 (用于句中,动词前或be动词后) 例:

either 也 (用于否定句中,放在句末并用逗号隔开)

例:i am a student,too. 我也是一名学生。

i am also a student. 我也是一名学生。

he also walks to school. 他也走路去上学。

you aren’t wrong, either. 你也没错。

改错:i too know the capital city of china.

he also is tom’s brother.

they are nice, also.

6. 问年龄: how old + be + 主语?

练习:how old他多大了?

how old你妈妈多大岁数了?

how old你多大了?

7. 询问交通方式。

第三人称单数:how does he/she go to work?

其他:how do they/you/we go to work?

回答:主语 + go/goes to work + by + 交通工具。

主语 + take/takes + a + 交通工具。

on foot= walkhe goes to work on foot. he walks to work.

by car= drivehe goes to work by car . he drives to work.

8. 助动词: do/does does与第三人称单数连用,do用于其他

练习: where __your parents work?

what __they do?

where __your uncle do?

how __he go to work?

9. 人称代词。

练习:__are my little apple. (你) please come with我)

is a boy.(他她)teaches我们)english.

你)can call她)alice它) is a tiger.

10. 询问某人喜欢做什么。

what do/does + 主语 + like to do?

what do/does + 主语 + like doing?

练习:what __you like to do?

what __your father like to do?

what __they like to do?

what __the students like doing?

what __bob and tom like doing?

what __tom like to do?

unit 2 知识点。

1. 各国著名景点。

tian’anmen square 天安门广场 the palace museum 故宫博物馆。

the great wall 长城niagara falls 尼加拉瓜瀑布。

cn tower 加拿大电视塔white house 白宫。

the statue of liberty 自由女神像 big ben 大本钟。

buckingham palace 白金汉宫专有名词首字母要大写)

2. 复数变化:city – cities 城市 leaf – le**es 叶子。

3. look“看,瞧” 强调看的动作。

see “看强调看的结果。

watch“**,注视” 强调动作(全神贯注的**、观察或注视某事物的活动)

watch tv watch a film/movie

4. 本单元词组。

a map of … 的地图the capital city of … 的首都。

know about 了解live in 居住。

next to 紧邻。

unit3 知识点。

1. love to + 动词原形 i love to tr**el. she loves to go swimming.

2. want + 人 + to + 动词原形 the teacher wants jenny to speak english.

3. there be 句型。

there is + a/an+可数名词单数 + 地点 there is a girl on the playground. 操场上有一个女孩。

there is + 不可数名词 + 地点 there is some juice in the glass. 玻璃杯中有一些水。

there are + 可数名词复数 + 地点 there are many apples on the desk. 桌子上有很多苹果。


there is a pen and two pencils on the desk.

there are two pencils and a pen on the desk只看近的不看远的。

练习: there __some water in the bowlthere __a book on the desk.

there __an eraser and four books in my bag. there __many pencils.

4. 区分place和palace place [pleis] palace [plis]

5. tr**el to + 地点去…旅行 i want to tr**el to london. 我想去伦敦旅行。

6. 情态动词 (小学阶段主要包括can,may,must,should)

① can 能,会表能力 i can speak english。

② may 可以一般表请求 may i use your pen?

③ must 必须表命令 you must listen to the teacher carefully.

mustn’t “禁止” you mustn’t talk in the class.

should 应该多用于询问接下来干什么

what should we do next?我们接下来干什么?


1) 情态动词后接动词原型。

2) 情态动词无人称和数的变化。

7. i’m afraid not. 恐怕不行。 i am afraid of snakes. 我害怕蛇。

8. go on a trip 去旅行 i will go on a trip to australia.

9. talk to / with 和…谈话 li ming is talking to danny.

10. 打**用this和that

11. i want to go to beijing by bus.


where does he work he works in a hospital.4.他怎么去上班?他开车去上班。how does he go to work?he drives to work.5.我的家人喜欢一起吃晚餐。my family likes to h e dinner togethe...


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