
发布 2024-03-17 22:25:11 阅读 3561




) 4 . a b

)5, ab


) 1. a:hb:k

maths classb:doing the dishes



) what is he doingb:what are you doing ?

birthday is may 8thb:my birthday is march 8th .

usually go hiking on the weekends.

b:i usually go shopping on the weekesds .

is eating bananasb:she is jumping .

to the rightb:talk quietly .



mine , listening to music , march , october , his ,eating lunch , ours , april , doing morning exercises, theirs




go to school . birthday . running . sleep .fighting .

1. –what are they doing ?

-- they are

2.—when is your ?

-- jan. 8th .

3.--why do you like winter ?

-- because i can a long time .

4—what are they doing ?

-- they are .

5—when do you ?

-- at 7:00 .

第三节、read and choose.(读一读,选择最佳答案填空。20分)

) the book.

a. reading b. are reading c. is reading

) yellow picture is __a. his b. myc. your

) 3. -is he __water? -no, he isn’t.

a. drinks b. drinking c. drink

) 4are you doing? -i___eating dinner.

a. what; amb. why; am c. where; are

) 5cat is this? -it’s mike’s.

a. what b. who c. whose

) pen is red. _is yellow. a. you b. yours c. your

) 7. -a: whose pants are those? b:__

a. it’s are pants. c. they are hers.

) 8. what __the panda’s doing? a. is b.

) 9. _books is in the classroom.__is here.

a. mine; yourb. my; yourc. my; yours

) 10. it’s 7 o’clock now. he is __breakfast.

a. drinking b. eating c. has

)11. what are they doing

a. it’s eating lunch. b. they’re eating lunch.

c. they’re eat lunch.

( )1 we use your crayons

a. keep to the right. b. ok, take turns. c. talk quietly.

( )13. he is talking in the library

a. talk quietly. b. keep your desk clean. c. work quietly.

( )you doing kungfu

i am. b. i’m cooking rice. c. sure .

( )the little monkey doing?

so cute. b. they’re playing.

playing with its mother .

)16. keep the right,please.

a. atb. on c. to

)17. no

a. eats b. eating c. eat

) are reading books

quiet! b. talk loudly c. talk quietly

)19your desk clean.

a. putb.

)20.-can i h**e some juice ,please?

a. of course b. thanks c. yes,i am.

第四节、read and choose.(给问句选出正确的答语。10分)

) are these rabbits doing ? a. yes, he is.

) i play with him nowb. no, you can’t.

) are you doingc. they are playing.

)4. whose bike is itd. it’s hers

) 5. is he drinking watere. i’m drawing a picture.

第五节、read, and choose.(读短文,选择正确答案。10分)

today is sunday. mike’s family is at home. his father mr black is reading a book in the living room.

his mother is cooking in the kitchen. his brother tom and his friend john are playing chess in the bedroom. his grandpa and grandma are watching tv in the living room.

where is mike?


五年级英语测验卷 unit 5 namecalssnomark 听力部分。一 根据录音内容,将下面每题中你认为符合的选项的字母编号圈住。10分 abab a ba ba b 二 根据录音判断与下列 或句子是否相符,用 或 表示。10分 三 根据录音内容,填写空格上所缺的单词,使句子完整。10分 he...


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