人教PEP版 小学五年级英语上册期中测试题

发布 2024-03-16 09:00:11 阅读 3367





a. footb. food() 2.

a. niceb. nine() 3.

a. youngb. thinc.


) 4. a. fishb. fresh

5. a. monday

b. tuesday

thursday() 6. a. todayb. tasty() 7. a. he**yb. healthy

8. a. egg

b. eggplant


9. a. do homework

b. do houseworkshopping(

id like some mutton.

some pork.

c. i’d like some potatoes.


1、a. he is tall and strong. he likes sports.

c. wouldc. fine

c. fridge

tablec. hurry

c.b. i’d like

c. do some


is short and strong. he is running.(

2、a. it’s wednesday. we h**e art and it(

s friday. we h**e math and chinese.

3、a. mary often reads books on mary often does homework on saturdays.

) 4、a. i h**e mutton and soup for i h**e chicken and tomatoes for dinner.

) 5、a. i like this fish. itb. the fish is not tasty. i don

s fresh and yummy.

t want it.


四、听音,选出正确的答案。10%()1. a. mr.

)2. a. yes, he is.

c. no, he she’s active.

b. no, she isn’ he’s tall and


)3. a. it’s sunny.

c. it’s wednesday.

)4. a. i often read books and watch tv.

b. i h**e computer and we h**e green beans and potatoes.()5. a. i

d like some tomatoes and mutton.

b. i like oranges and i h**e tofu and beef on tuesdays.五、听音,选词填空。

5%1. what’s yourfruit?2.

i often do myon saturdays.3. what day is it today?


4. is she ?yes, she is.5. he’s tall and .

笔试部分。一、选出下列各组中不同类的单词。5%()1. a. monday

b. friday

day( 2. a. missb. music

d. mrs.

c. sunday

c. mr.


) 3. a. fat

d. bag

b. tallc. big

) 4. a. tea

b. cokec. milk

d. egg

) 5. a. smart

b. strictc. short

d. sugar


1. a. beef

b. tea

c. meet

d. bread

) 2. a. brown

b. yellow

c. window

snow( 3. a. crowb. crop

c. cream

d. clean(

4. a. black

b. blow

c. brow

d. block

5. a. coat

b. goat

c. road

d. mouth

三、按要求写出下列单词的适当形式。10%6. tuesday(缩略形式)2. young

反义词)3. who is

缩写形式)4. green beans(中文意思)



) 1. amy is 10old.

a. yearb. years

c. yuan

) 2. tomatoesmy f**ourite food.

a. isb. are

c. am) 3. the first day in a week is.

a. saturdayb. sunday

c. monday

) 4. there aredays in a week.

a. sixb. eleven

c. seven

) 5. i like ice-cream. it

s.a. sourb. sweet

c. salty

) 6. we h**e chinese and english in

b. onc. at

) 7. whatyou h**e for dinner?a. has

b. doc. are


1. h**e, on, what, wednesdays, do you?句)


7. what’s your f**ourite food?(根据自己回答)

8. it’s saturday.(就划线部分提问)

9. your, who’s, teacher, english?(连词成句)

10. is she strict?(做否定回答)

六、阅读理解。阅读下面对话,根据对话内容判断下列句子的对错,正确的在括号里写“t”,错误的写“f”。10%sarah:hi, chen jie.

chen jie:hi, sarah. do you h**e new

teachers?sarah:yes. we h**e three new teachers.

chen jie:who are they?

sarah:an english teacher, a music teacher and a jie:

wow, it’s so good. who’your english teacher?sarah:

miss white. she’s very active. her class is so much

fun.we all like jie:

what’s she like?


sarah:class jie:

she’s tall and thin. she’s young. we h**e english

that’s great!

)1. sarah has three new teachers.()2. sarah

s chinese teacher is a new teacher.

)3. miss white is a music teacher.()4.

miss white is short and thin.()5. sarah has english class today.


你有好朋友吗?你朋友长的什么样?喜欢哪一天?周末喜欢做什么,喜欢吃什么?请以my friend为题写一篇短文。(不少于五句话)



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