
发布 2024-03-16 04:15:10 阅读 7900

一、 根据中文写出下列短语。(10分)







)1. let’sa birthday card for our mother.

a. make b. ****** c. makes

)2is the ninth month of a year.

a. september b. august c. october

)3. whichdo you like best?

a. season b. seasons c. a season

)4. my mother goes to school __7:00 __the morning.

a. at…on b. at…at c. at…in

)5. hehiking. i go hiking

a. go…toob. goes…eitherc. goes…too

)6birthday is in october?

a. whob. whosec. who’s

) treeare green in spring.

a. leafsb. le**esc. leaf

)8do you like winter? because i cansnow.

a. why…play with play on c. how…playing in

) is beautiful, but it’scoldme.

a. to…forb. too…forc. too…to

)10do you eat dinner? at 7:00.

a. whenb.


januaryarmy day

marchnew year’s day

augustteacher’s day

octobernational day

septembertree-planting day


) 1. why do you like spring?

) 2. which season does mike like best?

) 3. what do you do on saturday?

) 4. what’s zoom doing?

) 5. when is your birthday?

a. he’s sending grandpa an e-card.

b. usually i do my homework.

c. because i can plant trees.

d. it’s november 12th.

e. fall.


1. every weekend i climb m___

2. i usually g__ up at 12:00 noon.

3. sometimes i v___my grandparents.

4. because i can s___in the lake.

5. what’s the d___june 9th.

六、补全对话。(用所给句子把对话补充完整, 把编号填在横线上。)(10分)

lucy: hello.

amy: hi.

amylucy: i often go shopping on saturdays.

amy: this saturday is mar. 12th

lucy: i often plant trees.

amylucy: yes, i like planting trees very much.

amy: me, too

lucy: yes, you can. oh, it’s time for class. goodbye.

amy七、 阅读选择。(10分)

peter: what are you doing, mary?

mary: i am sending mike an e-card. when is your birthday?

peter: it’ s in march. is mike’s birthday in may?

mary: yes. it’s may 2nd.

peter: does he h**e a computer?

mary: oh, no. he doesn’t.

peter: then he won’t be able to see the card. let’s make a birthday card.

mary: good idea. everyone likes to get birthday cards.

) 1. peter’ s birthday isn’t ina .march b. april

) 2. mary __play with the computer. a .can b .can’t

) 3. mike __see the e-carda. can b. can’t

) 4. petera .makes a card b .makes a cake

) 5birthday is in may. a .mary’s b. mike’s

八、短文填空:(用所给的单词填空,每词只准用一次)(10 分)

am warm f**ourite fly like cold windy is in cool fall at )

my name __lucy. i __12 now. my birthday is __october.

ifall best. it’s __andi can __kites. my sister lily doesn’t likeherseason is spring.



1. ab: it’s monday today.

2. ab: it’s mar. 1st today.

3. ab: my birthday is in october.

4. ab: my f**ourite season is winter.

5. ab: i often go shopping on the weekend.


1.你问zhang peng什么时候去上学,他告诉你说是七点钟。yz


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