
发布 2024-03-07 18:15:13 阅读 7447



1、c g d f e

2、e h i f g

3、d e g f h

4、b d e a c

5、e c d b f

二、 找出每组中与其它三个不是一类的单词。(10分)

)1、a. c. window d. near

)2、a、pencil-case b、book c、black d、bag

)3、a、colour b、chinese book c、math book d、english book

) 4、a. desk b. apple c. teacher’s desk d. chair

( )5、 b. mother d. teacher


1. what’s(完全形式2. 铅笔(英语。

3. 钢笔(英语4.书包(英语汉语)


)1. mike : nice to meet you .

johna) nice to meet you ,toob) good morning .


(a) how many story-books do you h**e?

b)how much this story-book?

) jie : let me clean the board . amy: _

a) okb) let’s go and h**e a look.

) go and __a look.

(a) hasb) h**e

)5. look __the pictures.

(a) inb) atc)on

)6.--a: where’s my seat ?-b在门旁边)

(a) it’s near the door . b) it’s near the desk .

)7..-a: may i h**e a look ? b

a) wow ! how niceb) sure .here you are .

)8. -a :let’s clean the classroom. -b:__

a) good jobb) good idea !

) 9.--a: how old are you ? b

(a) i’m fiveb) i’m fine .

) 10.让我们一起擦窗户吧!

a)let’s clean the window .

(b) let me clean the window.

五、 从b栏中选出a栏相应的答语。(15分)

a 栏。 )1 where is my seat?

)2 this is amy.

)3 let’s clean the desks.

)4 do you like apples?

)5 this is our new classroom.

b栏。a. yes, i do.

b. all right.

c. nice to meet you.

d. it’s near the door.

e. wow! it’s so big.


1.( how many story-books do you h**e?

2. (i h**e a new schoolbag.

3. (put your notebook under your bag.

4. (how many english books can you see?

5.( what colour is your bag?

a. 我有一个新书包。






a). turn on the light . b). sweep the floor . c). open the door.

d). clean the board. (e). put up the picture. (f). clean the window.



a.may i h**e a lookb. give me your book .


a.we h**e ten pencils . b. i h**e ten pencils .

)3、你想把mike 介绍给大家,会说:

a.this is mike. b. i’m mike. c. he is mike.


a.where is my computer? b、how many computers are there?


a. clean the windowb. clean the board.


a.good jobgood idea.


a.i h**e a new bag,you see. b. look! i i h**e a new schoolbag.


a.may i h**e a lookb. i can see your pen?


a.what’s your new pencil? colour is your new pencil?


a.i h**e a new classmates. b. i h**e a new friend.


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