
发布 2020-09-28 23:42:28 阅读 8992





一、判断划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“√”不同的打“x”。 10分)

1. bag book

2. nice cat

3. dog bear

4. for five

5. lion tiger




5、那枝圆珠笔6、i’d like

7、in a toy shop8、how lovely

9、happy teachers’ day10、here you are


)1. 你想知道那是什么东西时你可以问:

's this? 's that? 's a cat.

)2. 你想告诉别人这是你的新书包,你可以说:

is my 's my new bag.

is my new bag.

)3. 当你想告诉别人你喜欢那只漂亮的小鸟时,你应该说:

like this like that nice bird.

like that new book.

)4. 当你想进入别人的房间时你可以说:

i h**e a copybook. i come in?

i h**e a look?

)5. 当你邀请别人一起去动物园时你应该说。

's go to the park. 's go to the cinema.

's go to the zoo.


1. (this is __lion, i think.

a. i 2.( i’d likepanda, please.

3.( may i h**e __copybooks for su yang?

a. anb.

4.( what’s __

5that your pencil case?

6.( what’s this?

a. they’re rabbits. b. it’s a rabbitc. it’s an rabbit.

7.( this cap is __you.

a. 8.( inbox?

9.( happyday!

10a card for you.

11.( can ia look?

12.( she ishelen’s) sister.


a. 14.( sure. _you are.

a. hereb.

15.( can i h**e a look __the book.?

a. 五、看图,选择正确的答案完成对话。(10分)

liu tao: hello, nancy!

nancyliu tao!

liu tao: what's on the desk?

nancya photo.

liu tao: can ia look?

nancyhere you are.

's 六、连词成句。(10分),may , h**e,book,a

3. a,that’s,monkey,nice


) 5. what’

) 6. goodbye,) 7.

) 9. let’s go to the zooi. no,it isn’ nancy’s10.

this is your toy monkey,i thinkj. fine,thank you.


a:good morning,miss yang..

b:good morning,d**id.

a:may i h**e a storybook?

one?a:the yellow one.

may i h**e a storybook for helen?

b:is helen your sister?

a:no,she’s my friend.

b:what about the blue one?

a:that’s you.

b:not at all.

) 1. d**id wants(想要) a notebook.

) 2. the storyboook is black.

) 3. helen is jack’s sister.

) 4. the blue one is for helen.

) 5. helen is d**id’s friend.

答案。一。 1、√ 23、× 4、√ 5、√

二。 1、h**e a look 2、come in 3、her tiger 4、this lion 5、that ballpen

6、我想要 7、在一个玩具店里 8、多可爱啊! 9、教师节快乐! 10、给你。

三、 四。1、b 2、b 3、c 4、a 5、c 6、b 7、c 8、a 9、b 10、a 11、a

12、c 13、.a 14、b 15、c.


六 1、may i h**e a book? 2、what is that in english? 3、that’s a nice monkey.

4、what’s that on the desk? 5、here’s a toy rabbit for you.


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