
发布 2020-09-29 05:31:28 阅读 3999





二、选出不同类的单词。(5 分)

) 1. a door b teacher’s desk c window d bed

) 2. a black b classroom c white d purple

)3. a hat b hot dog c ice-cream d fish

)4. a ant b catc elephant d desk

)5. a chinese book b pencil c notebook d math book


a.mouse b. hand c. desk d. ant e. goose

f. nurse g. jeep h. key i. beef j. jigsaw puzzle


) jie :let me clean the board .

amya all right. b hello. c. guess

( )2. zip

zoom: i h**e 6 notebooks.

a. how many notebooks can you see?

b. how many notebooks do you h**e?

) 3. mike: how much is this schoolbag?

johna. 50 50. c. i h**e 50.

) 4. amy: what colour is it?

chen jie

a. thank you. c. it’s on the desk .

) 5. miss white: where is the bee?

zhang peng

a. it is on the fan. c. great

) 6. wu yifan

sarah: sure, here you are.

a. may i h**e a look?b. really? c. let’s go and h**e a look.

) 7. this __my new classmate.

a. are b. is c. am

) 8. we __nine fans in the classroom.

a. h**e b. has c. are

) 9clean the classroom. -good idea!

a. let b. let's c. let’s me

) 10. -where's my seat? -it's __the door.

a. near b. on c. in

) 11. -let's clean the door

a. thank you b. good idea c. you’re welcome .

) 12in the classroom?

-- some desks.

a. where's b. what's c. who's

) 13. -how many __do you h**e?

-- twenty.

a. chineses book b. chineses books c. chinese books

) 14. let __clean the windows.

a. me b. i c. we

)15. i h**eenglish book.

a. a b. an c. the


) 1 let’s clean the desk and chairsa. it’s in the desk.

) 2how many english books do you h**e? b. it’s black and white.

) 3what colour is itc. all right.

)4 what’s in itd. wow! how nice!

) 5 where’s my

)6 how many kites can you seef. i can see thirteen.

)7 can i use your pencilg. no problem.

)8what’s in the classroomh two desks and ten chairs.

)9 may i h**e a looki sure. here you are.

)10 i h**e a new schoolbagj 10 story-books and 8 pencils.



) 1. 当你问自己的座位在**时应说:

a. what’s my seatb. where’s my seat?

) 2. 把自己的朋友介绍给别人时,应该说:

a. he is my friendb. this is my friend…

) 3. 当老师说”let’s clean the classroom.”时学生们应回答:

a. it’s niceb. good idea.

) 4. 你想祝教师节快乐时,应该说:

a. happy teachers’ dayb. happy new year!

) 5. 你想看看你同学的新书包,应该说:

a. may i h**e a lookb. look at my new bag.

) 6. 你问别人文具盒子里放的是什么,应该说:

a. what’s in your pencil-case? b. where is your pencil-case?

) 7. 你看到漂亮的鲜花时说:

a. how niceb. it’s clean.


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