
发布 2024-03-07 12:55:06 阅读 9259

unit oneour school

主要单词:playground操场garden花园teacher’s desk讲台library图书馆canteen食堂。

art room美术室music room**室computer room电脑室gym体育馆washroom洗手间主要句型:

1.原句:this is the canteen/library/music room.一般疑问句:is this the…?

2. where is the canteen?it’s on the first/second/third/fourth…floor.食堂在**?在一/二/三/四楼。

主要搭配:go to the garden, water the flowers.去花园浇花go to the library, read a story book.

去图书馆看书go to the canteen, eat some noodlesgo to the teacher’s office, hand in the home work.


go to the playground, play football.去操场踢足球。

课文1sarah: welcome to our school! this is the teacher’s office. that is my classroom.


visitor: how many students are there in your class?你班里有多少学生?sarah: forty-five.45人。

visitor: do you h**e a library?你们有图书馆吗?sarah: yes, we do.是的,我们有。

visitor: do you h**e lunch at school?你们是在学校吃中午饭吗?

sarah: yes, we do. the canteen is on the first floor.

this way, please.是的,我们有。食堂在一楼,这边请。

sarah: look, this is our playground.看,这是我们的操场。

visitor: oh, your school is beautiful.噢,你们的学校真漂亮。

课文2wu: look, this is my school.看,这是我的学校。

mike: great. is this the library?真棒,这是图书馆吗?wu: yes, it is.是的。

mike: is that the art room?那是美术室吗?

wu: no, it isn’t. it’s the music room.

the art room is on the first floor.不是。那是**室。

美术室在一楼。mike: is that the tv room?


wu: no, it isn’t. it's the computer room.

不是,那是电脑室。mike: wow, your school is cool.

哇,你的学校真酷。wu: thank you very cool.



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