
发布 2024-03-07 11:30:11 阅读 6437





breakfast dinnerthirty lunch get up


) lunchc. breakfast

) classb. english classc. pe class

) upb. go to schoolc. go to bed

) fortyc. twenty

) onb. hurry upc. just a minute


) time for breakfast.

) time to get up.

) 6:00,it’s time to go home.

) 9 o’clock. it’s time for english class.

)5. it’s 12:30, it’s time for lunch.


) time for music class.

) on ! it’s 9 o’clock. it’s time to go to bed.

) 7:30, it’s time to go to school.

) 10 o’clock. it’s time for pe class.

)5. hurry up , let’s go.



breakfast lunch dinner thirty get up



) lunchc. thirty

) classb. english classc. art room

) go to schoolc. go home

) fortyc. lunch

) classb. kidc. art class


)1. it’s 8:00. it’s time english class.

a .for b. toc .in

)2. it’s 6:00. it’s time

a .for go to school b. for get up c. to get up

) time

a. is it b .it is c .this is

)4 look at my .it’s 8

a. o’clock, clock b .clock , clock c .clock, o’clock

)5、it’s 7:00 . it’s time for

a. dinner b. breakfast c. lunch

)6、what time is it?

it’sit’s time to go home.

a. at 5:00 o’clock b. 3:00 o’clock c. three

)7、it’s 6:30 . it’s time to

a. english class b. get up c. dinner

)8、it’s twelve o’clock. it’s time for

a. breakfast b. lunch c. dinner

a. it’sb. is itc. it is

( )11it’s three o’clock.

a. what clock is it? b. what time is it? c. where is it?

( )12. it’s time to

a. music class. b. go to bedc. breakfast.

)13. i’m lateschool.

a. atb. forc. to


it’s time for breakfasth**e some chicken

it’s time for english classdrink some milk

it’s time for music classjump and run

it’s time for pe classread and write

it’s time for dinnersing and dance

it’s time for luncheat some rice


a. it’s 6:30, it’s time to get up.

b. it’s 12 o’clock. it’s time for lunch

c. hurry up .it’s time to go to school.

d. good morning everyone. it’s time for english class.

e. it’s time for music class. let’s sing and dance.


1. time to it go to school is

2. is time what it

3. for time it english is class

4. 3 o’clock it’s time go home to it is



1、it’sit’s time to


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