四年级上册英语一二单元试题 1

发布 2024-03-07 11:35:11 阅读 1917



听力部分。一、 听录音,选单词。

) picturec. class

) windowc. what

) floorc. board

) blackboard c. book

) doorc. classroom

) fanc. book

) lightc. let’s

) wallb. floorc. ball

) chinese book c. floor

) picturec. pencil


)1. a. b.

)2、 a. b.

)3、a. b.

)4、a. b.

)5、a. b.

三、 听录音,根据所听到的写单词。


) h**e a new classroom. b. where is the picture?

) clean the teacher’s desk.

b. let me clean the windows.

) in the classroom?

b. where’s the computer?

) clean the windows

b. let me clean the blackboard.

) is the teacher’s desk?

b. where is the computer?


1.蛋糕c__k__ 2.脸 f__c__ 3.姓名 n__m__ 4.制作 m__k__


) b. picture c. blackboard

) book b. window c. chinese book

) floor c. eraser

) storybook c. in

) window c. door

三、 单词连线。

picture门 classroom窗子。

wall** window教室。

floor墙 computer英语书。

door地板 english book电脑。

四、 单项选择。

) 1、--let me help youa. thank you. b. excuse me.

) 2、教室在**?

a. where is the classroom? b. what’s in the classroom?

) 3、-where’s my book

a. it’s near the doorb. we h**e a new classroom.

) 4、-what’s in the classroom

a. it is under the chairb. eight lights and many desks.

) 5、-let’s clean the classroom

a. thank you.

) 6、我们有一间新教室。

a. we h**e a new classroom. b. this is a new classroom.

) 7、让我来打扫教室吧!

a. let’s clean the classroom. b. let me clean the classroom.

) 8、let___clean the teacher’s desk.

a. i b. me c. my

) 9、we h**e a newa. computer b. books

) 10、教室里有什么?

the classroom? b. what’s in the classroom?

) 11、where is the computer?

a. this is a new book. b. it is on the teacher’s desk.

) 12、--in the classroom? -a board, two lights.

a. where’s b. what’s c. how many

) 13、let me clean the___a. windows b. window

) 14、-_the picture? -it’s near the blackboard.

a. where’s b. what’s c. how many


a. let’s clean the windows. b. let me clean the windows.



1、we h**e a new classroom

2、what’s in the classroom

3、where is the picture? it’s near the windows

4、let’s clean the teacher’s desk

5、let me help you


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