
发布 2024-03-05 07:15:10 阅读 6064





) many __can you see?

book ) is __english book on the desk.

)3is the pencil? -it’s green.

many colour

)4.--what colour is it

yuan. )5.--what’s in it

a.30 pencils b. green

) a pen.

is are



) 1: what colour is it?

( )you are.

( )3:i h**e a new schoolbag.

( )4: it’s black and white.

( )5: may i h**e a look?

( )6: wow! how nice! it’s a panda.


1 你想让别人看你的新书包,你该怎么说?(

a i h**e a new bag,you see

b look! i h**e a new schoolbag.

c this is my schoolbag.

2 你想看看同桌的新钢笔,你该怎样说? (

a may i h**e a look at your new pen?

b i can see your pen ?

c i can look your pen ?

3小红有一支新钢笔,你想知道是什么颜色的,该怎么说? (

a what’s your new pen?

b what colour is your new pen?

c where is your new pen?

4 陈洁背了新书包来到学校,你想知道里面有什么,该怎么说? (

a what colour is your new schoolbag?

b what’s in your new schoolbag ?

c where’s your new schoolbag?

5 你想知道迈克有多少本书,你该怎么说? (

a how much books do you h**e ?

b how many books do you h**e ?

c is this your books?


a. how many picture- books do you h**e?

b. what color is it?

c. how nice!

d. what’s in it?

e. may i h**e a look?

amy: hi, chen jie. i h**e a new schoolbag.

chen jie: really

amy: it’s black and white. look! it’ s so he**y.

chen jie

amy: some english books, some story-books, and many picture books.

chen jie

amy: let me count. 1, 2, 3, 4…15. i h**e 15 picture books.

chen jie

amy: sure. here you are.

chen jie: wow! a fat panda


hello, i am amy. i am a girl. i h**e a new classroom.

there are many desks and chairs in it. there are two boards, a computer and a tv, too. i h**e a new schoolbag, too.

there are 20 story-books, 30 math books and 40 picture-books in it.

) 1 amy’s classroom is new.

)2 there is a computer in the classroom.

)3 there are 8 lights in the classroom.

)4 there are thirty math books in the schoolbag.

)5 there are fifty picture-books in the schoolbag.


一 选择合适的音节填在 里 4分 1 相 xi ng xi ng 魏格纳发现,巴西的每个海湾,又能在非洲找到相 应的突出部分。2 禁 j n j n 他就像软禁 在牢笼中的困兽一般。3 空 k ng k ng 叶子长得那么均匀,不留一点儿空 隙。4 耙 b p 平台经过仔细耙 扫,收拾得很平坦。二 ...


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