
发布 2024-03-05 21:05:10 阅读 1702



英语书notebookexcuse me __

toy糖果钥匙 __



( )1. i h**eenglish book.

a. a b. 6 c. an

) 2. put your math book __your desk .

a. at b. on c. the

) 3.--let me help you

a. thank you b. here you are. c. you’re right.

)4.--i h**e a new mp5what colour is it ?

a. good b. really c. no

)5. let’s __and see .

a. go b. to go c. going

)6、turnthe light.


1:i h**e a new2: my __is pink.

3: i like my4: look at my __it’s nice.

5: how many __do you h**e? i h**e3)

6: what’s in theit’s a


1、 -i h**e many books in my schoolbag.

2、 -what′s in your schoolbag ?

3、 -it 's red.

4、 -what colour is it ?

5、 -wow .it 's nice!


五。 重新排列下列句子的顺序,使其成为一个意思完整、通顺的对话。12分。

) colour is you are.

( )h**e a new black and white.

( )i h**e a how nice! it’s a panda.


)thank you so much !

)excuse me . i lost my schoolbag.

)here it is !

) is in it ?

)an english book、 two toys and a notebook.

)it is blue and white .

) what colour is it ?


wow ! how nice ! it’s a panda.

what’s in your schoolbag?

look ! he’s tall and strong .


hair2. short hair3. thin___


1. he (be) strong . h**e) short black hair .

3. (he) name is tim . many (book) can you see ?

h**e somecandy) .


) my booka. mother is tall, too .

) his nameb. her name is amy.

) her namec. miss white .

) 4. father is talld. it’s on the desk.

) 5. who is your best friende. his name is zhang peng.


very he friendly .

tall and he .

i good a friend.

what is name ?

he glasses blue and are his shoes .


)yes, he is . yes, he’s very friendly . what’s his name ?

) really? a chinese friend ? his name is zhang peng .

) look ! he’s tall and strong .(mum ,i h**e a new friend .

一、 问句与答语手拉手。

) her namea. sarah.

) your best friend a boy or a girl ? girl.

) 3. what’s your best friendc. yes, she is .

) 4. is your friend quietd. her name is amy.

) your namee. my name is lucy .


1. where the glasses ? 2. they on the table ?

in the bathroom . a chinese girl ?

5this your bike ? in the door.


)look !she is in the kwhere is s ?

) no, she isn’t. (4 ) no, she isn’t. (is she in the s ?

) i h**e a cat . she ‘s she in the l


go to thewatch tv. go to the . read a book.

go to theh**e a snack . go to theh**e a nap .

go to thetake a shower .


the she is living room ?

the where keys?

table are they the ?

no, aren’t . in the they are in .

六.用is、 are 、或am填空。

1. she a girl . amy. 3. we friendly.

cat white. tall and strong. 6. he quiet .

betty . peng strong. yifan thin .

friend short . mother short and thin.

七.用h**e 或has填空。

1. i long hair . big eyes. a small nose.


第二单元测评。一 看拼音写词语。9分 k n x h n j zh ji n s u su q n xi ku n ch n zh zh su y r n 二 给加点字选择正确的读音,画 6分 地质 zh zh 洞穴 xu xu 根茎 j n j n崭新 zh n z n 堤岸 d t住宅 zh i...


2015新人教版英语四年级上册第二单元测试题姓名 成绩 一 根据下面每句话的意思和 的提示,在空格中填上适当的单词,使句子完整。10分 1.the 笔记本 is red i like it 2.look at the 糖果 it s nice 3.i like 玩具们 4.4.in my class...


二 判断下列划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的打 不同的 5分 1.nine big2.pen she 3.fat name4.pig rice 5.fish six6.it like 三 找邻居。15分 1.m 2.p 3.k 4.q 5.j 6.o 三 单项选择。10分 1.i h eenglish...