
发布 2024-03-05 22:10:10 阅读 3732



1、game hat ( 2、can face ( 3、short english (

4、car park5、may play ( 6、sand safe (




5.一张大床 to the computer

the wall8.在床上。

三、选择。 )1、i want you __your bedroom.

draw c. drawing

)2、there is __light in the bedroom.

)3、__in your room?

)4、there is a mapthe wall.

)5、there __two brown cats under the bed.

)6、__picture 2,there is a bed.

b. at

)7、there is a big bed next __the window.

)8、what colourthe window?

四、连线。1、what’s in your next to the window.

2、what colour is your my room,there is a big bed.

3、where is your name is shape.

4、open the window,5、what’s your pink.

五、阅读判断对错 t f

look! this is our go and h**e a look. there are some flowers on the teacher’s is a blackboard(黑板)on the wall.

there are forty-seven students in our class,twenty-three boys and twenty-four are two english girls. their names are lily and are are classroom is big and love it.

)1、there is a blackboard in the classroom.

)2、there are some flowers on the teacher’s desk.

)3、there are forty-five students in our class.



这儿的“师资”和“师长”可称为“教师”概念的雏形,但仍说不上是名副其实的“教师”,因为“教师”必须要有明确的传授知识的对象和本身明确的职责。( 4、there are three english girls.


( 5、our classroom is big and bright.



一连线 16 唱歌swim 游泳sing 飞read读书fly 划船make a hat 做纸帽子go shopping 二 选出不同类的单词。1 a rice b soup c light d bread 2 a thin b long c short d sports 3 a thirty b ...


一连线 16 a 唱歌swim 游泳sing 飞read读书fly b 划船make a hat 做纸帽子go shopping 二 选出不同类的单词。1 a rice b soup c light d bread 2 a thin b long c short d sports 3 a thirt...


2012 2013学年度四年级第一学期英语期末测试卷 姓名得分。听力部分 一 请你先听录音,然后根据录音中讲述内容的次序给下列 编号。二 请你先听录音,然后选出与你所听到内容同属一类的单词。1.a.pen b.pie c.hat d.violin 2.a.bread b.pencil c.cup d...