
发布 2024-03-04 00:30:09 阅读 7192

section a 3 (grammar focus–4c)

step 1revision (guessing game)

look at the pictures, guess what has happened and revisethe important points the students h**e learned.

step 2grammar focuswhat’s the matter?ih**e

ayoushouldn’teatsomuch next time.


what’ should lie down andben?

do you h**e a fever?

has a sore back.

rest.yes, i do. /no, i don’t. /i don’t know.

he should see a dentistand get an x-ray.

does he h**e a toothache?yes, he does.

what should she do?shouldiput

someshe should take her you should. /no, you shouldn’t.

medicine on it?


读以下四个句子,总结出h**e的用法。h**e \ hasi h**e a bag.

he has noodles for h**e a bad cold.

they h**e a look at the picture.用法展现。

1.作“有”讲。如:i h**e a bag.我有一个包。he hasa red cup.他有一个红杯子。


h**ebreakfast(吃早饭)h**etea(喝茶)h**eabiscuit(吃块饼干)h**e a drink (喝点水)


h**e a cold, h**e a fever4.固定短语。

h**e a try, h**e a look, h**e a party活学活用。

1.她有许多好朋友。she __lots of good friends.

2.当我们感冒时,应该多喝水。when we __bad colds,we should drink more water.

3.他早餐常吃鸡蛋。he __eggs for breakfast.4.他昨天去参加聚会了。heyesterday.用法展现should



1.—tom, i h**e a toothache.汤姆,我牙痛。

—you should see a dentist.你应当去看牙医。2.

—i’m not feeling well these days. i h**e bad cough.这些天我身体不适,老是咳嗽。

—youshouldn’t smoke so much, i think.我认为你不该抽这么多烟。3.

—should i put some medicine on it?

yes, you should. /no, you shouldn’t.4.—what should she do?

she should take her temperature.活学活用。

1.—she has a stomachache.

sheeat so much next time.2.—should she see a dentist and get an x-ray?—yes, sheno, she








如:maria bought herself a scarf.玛丽亚给自己买了一条围巾。

we must look after ourselves very well.我们必须好好照顾自己。


如:she isn’tquite herself today.她今天身体不太舒服。


she herself will fly to london tomorrow.明天她自己将要坐飞机去伦敦。

i met the writer himself last week.我上周见到了那位作家本人。


照顾自己look after oneself / take care of oneself自学teach oneself sth./ learn sth. by oneself玩得高兴,过得愉快enjoy oneself

请自用……(随便吃/喝些……)help oneself to sth.摔伤自己hurt oneself自言自语say to oneself沉浸于,陶醉于……之中lose oneself in把某人单独留下le**e sb. by oneself给自己买…..

东西buy oneself sth.介绍……自己introduce oneself温馨提醒。



误) myself can finish my homework.(正) i myself can finish my homework. /

i can finish my homework myself.

2.反身代词表示“某人自己”,不能表示“某人的东西”,因为它没有所有格的形式。表达“某人自己的(东西)”时,须要用one’s own.

如:我用我自己的蜡笔画画。(误) i’m drawing with myself crayons.

(正) i’m drawing with my own crayons.活学活用。

2. bad luck! i cut __with a knife yesterday.

3. they tell us they can look aftervery well.4.

my cat can find food by __5. helpto some beef, 3exercises

4a fill in the blanks and practice the conversations.1. a:

i hurt __when i played __i do?

b: you __see a doctor and get an x-ray.2. athe matter?

b: my sister and i __sore throatswe go toschool?

a: no, you3. a: _mike __a fever?

b: no, hehe __a he __drink some hot tea.

your own advice.

1. jenny cut herself.

she should (get an x-ray / put some medicine on the cut).my advice2. kate has a toothache.

she should (see a dentist / get some sleep).my advice3. mary and sue h**e colds.

they shouldn’t (sleep/ exercise).my advice4. bob has a sore back.

he should (lie down and rest / take his temperature).my advice

4c one student mimes a problem. theotherstudentsinyourgroup guess the problem and give advice.

nameliu peng

problemfall down

advicego home and

resta: what’s the matter? did you hurt yourself playing no, i didn’ did you fall down?

b: yes, i did.

d: you should go home and get some rest.


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