
发布 2024-03-03 17:40:07 阅读 5665



1. look! it’s the___light, so we must wait.

2. look! it’s the___light, so we must stop.

3. look! it’s the __light, so we can go.


) 1. a . ship b. light c. subway d. plane


3. a. how


1. car 2. ship 3. bus 4. train 5. plane

a. b. c.

de. 四、读一读,选一选。(10%)

i go to school on___

a. bikeb. footc. plane

)2do you go to school?

a. howb. whoc. where

) england and australia, drivers drive on the __side of the road.

a. leftb. rightc. straight

)4.__at a yellow light.

a. stopb. waitc. go

) you go by car, by bike or on foot, you must know the

a. traffic lights b. trafficc. traffic light

) i go on foot?

a. yes, you canb. i go there on foot.

)7. look at the traffic lights.

a. we must stopb. it’s not far.

) can i get to the supermarket?

a. you can get there by bike. b. yes , you can.


a. let’s go to the zoob. how do you go to the zoo?


a. do you go to australia by plane?

b. how do you go to australia?



) can go by can go straight.

)3. go at a green light. (go to schoolby bus.



where, how, on foot , near , bus , go to

a:let's __the park this morning.

b:great!but __do we go to the park?

a:it's easy. come to my home by

b:ok. but __is the park?

a:it's __my home.we can go


)1. 想询问对方是怎样去学校的,可以问:

a. how do you go to school? b. how can i go to school ?

2. 想询问对方“我”可以怎样去公园,可以这样问:

a. how do you go to the park? b. how can i go to the park?

3. 别人跟你说“thank you!”,你应该这样回答:

a. you’re welcomeb. ok..

4. “我可以走路去吗?”,应该这样问:

a. can i go on foot ? b. can i go by bike?

5. 想知道别人的名字可以这样问:

a. how are youb. what’s your name ?

十、连词成句。(10%), do, you, school, how, go 15, can, you, by, go, bus, the, go, school, i, foot, usually, on

4.usually, bus, mike, by, goes

5.park, to, how, i, get, can, zhongshan


1. a yellow light means

2. the three colors of the traffic lights are red

3. can you go to canada by plane? (作肯定回答。)

4. i go to school by subway.(对划线部分提问。)

十。三、阅读理解, 正确的打“t”,错误的打“f”。(10%)

mr. green: good morning, mr. wu! how do you usually go to work?

mr. wu: i usually go to work by bike. but sometimes i go on foot.

i like walking.

mr. green: walking is good. look at the sun. it’s a fine day for walking today.

mr. wu: that’s right.

and the air today is nice and clean. what about you? do you often go to work by bike?

mr. green: yes, but not today.

mr. wu: why not?

mr. green: my bike is broken.

) mr. wu goes to work on foot.

) wu likes riding.

) green often go to work by bike.

) weather is nice and clean today.

) wu’s bike is broken。


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