
发布 2024-02-29 11:30:13 阅读 6749

lesson 1 excuse me!


lesson 5 nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。a about you

copy this dialogue. fill in the last two sentences about yourself.抄写这段对话,在最后两句中填上有关你自己的内容。

you: this is fritz. he is german.

_man: nice to meet you, fritz. _you:

this is xiaohui. she's chinese. _

man: nice to meet you. and what's your name?

_you: oh, my name'si'm ..too.

_nice to meet you. _

b vocabulary:write in the nationality adjectives.填上表示国籍的形容词。

1 lars is a swedish student.2 naoko is a j __student.3 charlie is an a __student.

4 wu li is a c __student.5 a daewoo is a k __car.6 carlo is an i __student.

7 a mercedes is a g __car.8 first things first is an e __numbers:write the answers to these ****** sums in figures and words.


1. ten + two=__seven + eight=__2. nine-four=__fourteen-five=__3.

eleven + three=__eleven-nine=__新概念英语第一册练习题(六)答案。

lesson 6 what make is it?它是什么牌子的?

a questions:write the correct questions for the answers.根据答案写出相应的疑问句。

what nationality is she?- she's make is his car?- his car's french.

1 what make is her car?-her car's swedish.2 what nationality is he?

-he's french.3 what nationality is she?-she's chinese.

4 what make is his car?-his car's structure:write sentences.


1 it - german car/not japanese 's agerman car. it isn't a japanesecar.

2 marie - french student/not italianmarie is afrench student,she is not italian student

3 she - english teacher/not chinese .she'sanehglish tercher,she isn't a chineseteacher.

4 he - chinese student/not koreanhe's achinese student,he isn't korean student.

c short forms:write these with short forms.用缩写形式抄写以下句子。

1 here is your pen.-here's your pen.2 it is not american.

-it isn't american.3 it is english._it's english4 he is italian.

_he's italian.5 she is not swedish.-she isn't swedish.

6 that is my teacher._that's my tercher.7 he is not french.

_he isn't french.8 she is german._she's german新概念英语第一册练习题(八)

lesson 9 how are you today?你今天好吗?

a dialogue:read this dialogue. fill in the missing words.


__are you today?helen: hello, lars.

i'm very __thankyou? _how are you?

lars: i'm __thanks. _how is steven?helen: _fine, _and emma's very __too.

lars: goodbye, helen. nice to __

b. vocabulary:what are the adjectives?

choose the opposites from this box.用表示相反意思的形容词填空。

dirtycoldthinyoungshor1 it isn't hot. it's cold .2 she isn't fat.

she's __3 that man isn't old. he's __4 he isn't tall. he's short_.

5 her car is very clean. it isn't __

c. numbers:write these numbers in figures.用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。

eleven __twenty __fourteen __nineteen __twelve __fifteen __

twenty-one __thirteen __twenty-two __lesson 9 how are you today?你今天好吗?a dialogue

read this dialogue. fill in the missing words.填空。

lars: hello, helen. how are you today?

helen: hello, lars. i'm very well , thank you .

and you? how are you?

lars: i'm fine, thanks. how is steven?helen: he's fine, emma's very well, too.

lars: goodbye, helen. nice to seeyou.

helen: nice to see you, too,

b vocabulary:what are the adjectives? choose the opposites from this box.用表示相反意思的形容词填空。

dirtycoldthinyoungshor1 it isn't hot. it's cold .2 she isn't fat.

she's thin.3 that man isn't old. he's young.

4 he isn't tall. he's short.

5 her car is very clean. it isn't dirty.

c numbers:write these numbers in figures.用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。eleven 11 twenty 20 fourteen 14nineteen19twelve 12fifteen 15twenty-one 21thirteen13twenty-two 22

概念英语第一册练习题(九)lesson 10 look at。。。看。。。

a questions:write the correct questions in this dialogue.为以下对话填上正确的疑问句。

woman: look at that new student. he's nice.__

man: his name's that's a nice name.__

man: he's his car's nice.__

man: it's a it's very nice.

b structure:fill in he's, she's or it's.用he's, she's或it's填空。

1 __an air hostess. 5 __an old milkman.

2 __a policeman. 6 look at that woman. _very tall.

3 __a german mercedes. 7 look at that man. _very busy.

4 __a lazy housewife. 8 my car isn't dirty. _clean.

c situations:look at the situations. what do you say?根据以下情景选择你应该说的话。

nice to see you. hello. how are you? goodbye.1 how do you greet a friend? _

2 how do you ask about a person's health? _3 what do you say when you le**e someone? _4 how do you say it was good to see someone?


lesson 10 look atpart a.

woman: look at that new student. he's 's his name?

man: his name's that's a nice nationality is he?man:

he's his car's make is it?man: it's a it's very b.

1 she's an air hostess.5 he's an old milkman.

2 he's a policeman.6 look at that woman. she's very tall.

3 it's a german mercedes.7 look at that man. he's very busy.

4 she's a lazy housewife.8 my car isn't dirty. it's c.

1 how do you greet a friend? hello.

2 how do you ask about a person's health? how are you?3 what do you say when you le**e someone?

goodbye4 how do you say it was good to see someone? nice to see you.


lesson 1 excuse me 新概念英语第一册练习题 五 lesson 5 nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。a about you copy this dialogue.fill in the last two sentences about yourself.抄写这段对话,...


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新概念英语练习 75 82 一 选择。1.where you last sunday?i in new york.a.was,was b.were,were c.was,were d.were,was 2.i often say my self i should study english well...