
发布 2024-02-17 07:05:17 阅读 4200






cinimapoliceman canteendictionary school二、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或句子(10)

) .musicb. museumc.

magazined. mean() hardlyb. hobbyc.

hourd. however() straightb. salespersonc.

) accountantb. tonightc . artistdtogether.

) sproutb. vapourc. subwayd. right

) comic book b. tv reporterc. make kitesd.

take a trip() trafficb. turn leftc. turn rightd.

traffic rule() chess b. playing the violin c. collecting le**es d.

writing a letter

) morningb. this eveningc. this afternoond. nextweek

) come fromb. fruit standc. the great walld. postcard

三、听问句,选答语,并将其序号填在题前括号内(5)()he yes, she no, she isn’t.()2. a.

she is a nurse. b. he is an he works in abank.

) 3. a. he likes swimming. b. he often swims. c. he isswimming.

) 4. a. no, she doesn’ go it’s next to thepark.

) 5. a. next she’s a she goes to workby bus.


this is the story of my family. my mother is a doctor, her___is near my home. my father is anhe goes towork by bike every day .

my aunt works at ashe sellsbooks. my uncle is a __he has a yellow taxi. mygrandmother is anshe is very kind.




) 1. a supermarketb bankc bookstored country() 2. a actorb reporterc writerd drive

) 3. a streamb museumc riverd lake() 4 a eastb southc leftd west() 5. a trainb buyc teachd tell

b.写出下列单词的第三人称单数形式或ing形式(10)1. live4.

dive (ing5. swim (ing六、我问你答选择正确的答语并将其序号填在问句前的括号内(10)

)1. what does your father do?a.

i go to school by bike?()2. how do you go to school?

b. i like collecting stamps.()he live in the country?

c he’s an engineer.

)4. what’s your hobby?d. i’m going to the sciencemuseum.

)5. where are you going tomorrow? e. no, he doesn’t. he livesin the city.


) 1. you can go straightfive atb. onc. ford. under

) 2. the post office is east __the tob. ofc. ind. on

) 3are you going?--this whereb. whatc.

whend. which() 4. i __visit my uncle tomorrow.

a. goingb. going toc. am goingd. am going to() 5. she __in jinan.

a. livesb. livec. livingd. lived


1. come, does, rain, the, from, where

2. weekend, going, are, do, what, you, to, the, on

3. going, grandparents, to, my, visit, i’m

4. hospital, get, can, to, i, how, the

5. read, she, does, after, news*****s, lunch,(


1. my aunt is an清洁工).

2. chen jie likes集邮).

3. i’m going to make a明信片)for mygood teachers.

4. what is your hobby? i like骑自行车).

sister去上班) at 7:30

6. amy is going to be a歌唱家), john is going to be a___警察).

7. hello, i’m little water drop. i live in a小溪).

8. usually, i go to school步行),sometimes i go by



ann: hi, may, where are you going saturday afternoon?may:

i’m going to the plant shop with my plant shop? what for?may:

buy some flower seeds.

ann: are you going to plant flowers?

may: yes, my father is a science teacher, he wants to teach me

how to plant how do you do that?

may: it’s easy. first, put the seeds in the pot. then water it. in

several days, you can see the sprout and then the flowersopen.

ann: how excited! i want to plant flowers too, but how can i get

to the plant shop?

may: take the no.306 bus. get off at the cinema. then go straight

and you can see it.

ann: that’s great. thank you! does may’s father do?

is may going saturday afternoon?

ann plant flowers?

can ann get to plant shop?

the plant near or far from the cinema?




世迤小学六年级英语第一次基础复习检测。姓名 name得分 scores 一 选出下列单词中不同类的一项。20分 1.a.ship b.plane c.subway d.foot 2.a.china b.australian c.traffic d.england 3.a.fifth b.five c...


2018 2018学年度六年级英语上册第三次测试。出题人 通榆县明德刘大军。听力部分 30分。一 听录音,选出跟录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里 每小题1分,共10分 1.a.fishermanb.actressc.artist 2.a.bikeb.busc.busy ...


2017 2018学年度六年级英语上册第三次测试。出题人 通榆县明德刘大军。听力部分 30分。一 听录音,选出跟录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里 每小题1分,共10分 1.a.fishermanb.actressc.artist 2.a.bikeb.busc.busy ...