
发布 2024-02-16 23:40:08 阅读 9104

xxunit 1that’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall.


it’s taller than both of us together.


how tall are you?你多高?

i’m 1.65metres.我身高1.65米。

what size are your shoes,mike?迈克,你穿几号鞋?

your feet are bigger than mine.你的脚比我的大。

my shoes are size 37.我穿37码的鞋。

how he**y are you?你多重?

i’m 48 kilograms.我体重48公斤。

unit 2how was your weekend?你周末过得怎样?

it was good,thank you.很好,谢谢。

what did you do?你干什么了?

i stayed at home with your grandma.我和你奶奶待在家里。

we drank tea in the afternoon and watched tv.我们喝了下午茶,还看了电视。

did you do anything else?你还做了其他什么事吗?

yes,i cleaned my room and washed my clothes.是的,我打扫了房间,还洗了衣服。

i want to buy the new film magazine.我想买新的电影杂志。

what did you do last weekend?上周末你干嘛了?

did you see a film?你看电影了吗?

no,i had a cold.没有,我感冒了。

i stayed at home all weekend and slept.我整个周末都待在家睡觉。what happened?怎么了?

are you all right?你还好吧?

i’m ok now.我现在没事了。

where did you go?你去哪儿了?

it looks like a mule !它看起来像头骡子!

did you go to turpan?你去吐鲁番了吗?

yes,we did.是的,我们去了。

how did you go there?你们怎么去的?

unit 3

we went there by plane.我们坐飞机去的。

sounds great !听上去不错!

unit 4there was no library in my old school.我们以前的学校里没有图书馆。

tell us about your school,please.请给我们讲讲你的学校吧。

how do you know that?你怎么知道的?


before,i was quiet.以前,我很安静。

now,i’mvery active in class.


i was short,soi couldn’t ride my bike well.


now,i go cycling every day.现在,我天天骑自行车。


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