
发布 2020-08-11 22:53:28 阅读 3860



( )1.what will you do next week?

a. 上周 b. 本周 c. 下周。

( )2.will you take a message for me?

a. 带个口信 b. 制造个信息 c. 得到信息。

( )3.where is the shopping centre?

a. 体育馆 b. **厅 c. 购物中心。

( )4.—how can i get to the post office?

—go down this road, please.

a. 沿着 b. 向下 c. 离开。

( )5.jane has got a high fever.

a. 咳嗽 b. 发烧 c. 头痛。

( )6.what do you want to do this evening?

a. 想做 b. 将要做 c. 去做。

( )7.uncle sam will be back next month.

a. 回来 b. 将要回来 c. 已经回来。

( )8.i’d like to h**e a bowl of rice.

a. 一瓶米饭 b. 一碗米饭 c. 一盘米饭。

( )9.a little boy saw a man behind the door.

a. 在门里 b. 在门外 c. 在门后。

( )10.please look at my doll’s house.

a. 看 b. 小心 c. 照顾。

( )11.may i turn off the radio?

a. 打开 b. 关上 c. 制造。

( )12.are you going to play football after school?

a. 在学校 b. 放学前 c. 放学后。


1. (cake plane

2. (seat ready

3. (hot not

4. (phone play


f__v__r (发烧) e__ e(眼睛)

c__ ld (感冒) p __k(公园)

v __s __t __r(参观者) w __道路)

cr __ssing(十字路口)


ab ) 1. be quiet, please. a. don’t cut your fingers.

)2. be carefulb. yes, of course.

)3. can you help me? c. how do you do!

)4. how do you do? d. don’t talk.

)5. what wrong with you? e. i’ve got a high fever.


) 1. could you passthe pencil, please?

a. they b. me c. i

) 2. h**e you goteraser?

a. a b. an c. 不填。

) 3. staybed and h**erest.

a. on for b. in, on c. in, a

) 4. don’tthe grass.

a. keep off b. walk c. walk on

) 5you pass me the dish?

a. do b. can c. are


1. he is a old man.

2. i reading a story book.

3. don’t is late next time.

4. he name is jack.



1.paul istall)than muriel.

2.he studieswell), i studywell)than he. jack studieswell)in our class.

3.it’s hot and it’ssun).

4.mary speaks englishslow).

5.a radio isthan a tv set.


(1)are theseyou)pencils?

yes, they areour).

(2)—whose is this pencil?


(3)i lovethey)very much.

(4)she is___i)classmate.

(5)miss li often looks after___she)brother.

(6)—are thesethey)bags ?

—no, they aren’ttheir). they arewe).


①he is goodswimming.

②tom getsat seven every morning.

sunday morning, he played football with his friends.

④what’s wrongyou?

there is something wrongmy back.

⑤he often helps memy english.

⑥it’s timebreakfast.

⑦can you sing a songenglish?

⑧he lookshis father.

⑨please listenme carefully.

⑩it’s too cold. don’t takeyour coat.

i go to schoolfoot every day.

he sitstom and mary.

i workmondayfriday.

he is ill, so he is stayingbed.

don’t be latethis meeting.


①tony iscanada.

②what is the namethe factory?

③betty is english. whatyou?

④who’s the womanthe black dress?

⑤where do you come

⑥she looksher father.

⑦do the students stayhomesaturday?

⑧my mother cut the cakea knife .

⑨the meeting ended6

⑩we’ll play footballclass.

gothis road, turn leftthe first crossing.

can you tell me the waythe zoo?

—where are you from?

—i ambeijing.

let’s count the numbersonefifty.

—where shall we meet?

—we’ll meethome.


(1)box2)church3)brush —


(7)watch— (8)flower9)foot—

(10)knife —


(1)sid lives in japan.

(2)my brother’s name is jack.

(3)grandpa came to our house on sunday.


反义连用 出生入死深入浅出喜新厌旧大同小异避重就轻。aabc 亭亭玉立津津有味栩栩如生默默无闻咄咄逼人。abac 时隐时现不离不弃十全十美自言自语人山人海。abcc 小心翼翼生机勃勃千里迢迢绿草依依凉风习习。abca 数不胜数防不胜防天外有天 含数字的 四分五裂七嘴八色四面八方千方百计五颜六色。含比...


同义连用 真心实意。聚精会神。轻描淡写。千言万语。无穷无尽。反义连用 出生入死。深入浅出。喜新厌旧。大同小异。避重就轻。aabb 严严实实。整整齐齐。平平安安。仔仔细细。干干净净。aabc 亭亭玉立。津津有味。栩栩如生。默默无闻。咄咄逼人。abac 时隐时现。不离不弃。十全十美。自言自语。人山人海。...


复习 同义连用 真心实意聚精会神轻描淡写千言万语无穷无尽。反义连用 出生入死深入浅出喜新厌旧大同小异避重就轻。aabb 严严实实整整齐齐平平安安仔仔细细干干净净。aabc 亭亭玉立津津有味栩栩如生默默无闻咄咄逼人abac 时隐时现不离不弃十全十美自言自语人山人海。abab 商量商量讨论讨论整理整理打...