
发布 2024-02-16 14:55:05 阅读 4800


写一写。1 图书馆2 邮局3 医院4 电影院。

5 书店6在**,到**7 请8 与…相邻。

9 转弯10 右边11 左边12 成直线地。

13 然后14 科学博物馆15 北16 南。

17 东18 西。


1can i go to the zoo ? you can gothe no.41 bus.

2is the science museum? it’s __the bank.

3. i want to buy a book, i’m going to thei want to send a letter. i’m going to the

4. if you hurt your leg. you can go to theto see a

5. ais a place where you can get or s**e money.


1. the library is near the hospital. (对画线部分提问)

2. go straight for five minutes. then turn right.(对回答进行提问)

3. the cinema is near here. (变一般疑问句)

4. there is a bank near here. (变成一般疑问句并做出肯定回答)

5 thank you. (写出回答。

三阅读,判断对错, 对的定 “t” 错的写 “ f”. z: zhang peng p: policeman)

z: excuse me ,sir. is there a bookstore near here?

p: no, there isn’t . but there is one next to the hospital.

z; where is the post office , please?

p: it’s west of the hospital.

z: is it far from herep: yes.

z: how can i get there?

p: first , turn left and take the bus at the bus stop. next , get off at the hospital.

then , cross the street. you’ll be in front of the post office.

z: thank youp: you’re welcome.

( )1 there is a bookstore near the school.

( )post office is next to the bookstore.

( )3 the post office is west of the hospital.

( )4 zhang peng walks to the bookstore.

( )5 zhang peng asks a policeman for help.

一.单词。n. 包 n. 香蕉。

n. 卫生间 conj. 因为。

n. 房间 n. 床。

n. 牛肉 prep. 在。之后。

adv. 最,极 adj. (体型)更大的。

adj. 大的 n. 自行车。

n. 生日 adj. 蓝色的。

n. 小船 n. 书。

adj. 无聊的,烦人的 n. 男孩。

n. 面包 n. 桥。

二.短语。1.问答问题 ask and answer questions2.当心,小心 be careful

3.来自 be from/come from4.擅长于 be good at

5.骑车/乘公共汽车 by bike/bus

三.句型。you make the bed ? 你会铺床吗 they ducks? 它们是鸭子吗?

can you use a computer? 你会使用电脑吗are they eating the honey ? 它们是在吃蜂蜜吗?

yes,i can. 是的,我会yes , they are. 是的,它们是。

no,i can't. 不,我不会no, they aren't 不,它们不是。

there a forest in the park? 公园里有一个森林吗?

is there a river ? 那里有条河?

yes , there is. 是的,那里有。

no, there isn't. 不,它们不是。


















linda and ann are classmates . they are american girls . linda is tall .

she has black hair , brown eyes and dark (深色的) skin . ann is not tall .she has blonde(金色的) hair , blue eyes and fair(白皙的) skin .

they both speak english .

linda is twelve years old . she likes dancing . she dances well .

ann is thirteen . she can sing many chinese songs .

they go to school together in the morning , and go home together after school .

linda’s birthday is in january . ann’s birthday is in september.

)1、linda and ann are twins .

)2、ann has fair skin .

)3、linda is short . ann is tall .

)4、linda’s birthday is in september .

)5、linda likes singing .


人教版小学六年级英语 上册 复习

人教版小学六年级英语 上册 复习资料。unit1 how do you go there?你怎样去那里?重点单词 on foot walk走路 by bike骑自行车 by bus坐公车 by train坐火车 by plane坐飞机 by ship坐轮船 by subway坐地铁 near近的 f...


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