
发布 2024-02-15 08:35:11 阅读 7557



听力部分 (20分)


) 1. a. takeb. mistakec. message

) 2. a. baseballb. balloonc. bamboo

) 3. a. speechb. spaceship c. space tr**el

) 4. a. fishb. wishesc. watch

) 5. a. primaryb. middlec. different


三、听选答语:听录音,在每小题内根据你所听到的问句选择正确的答语, 并将所选部分前面的字母序号填入题前括号内。每小题录音**两遍。(5分)

) 11. a. i’m going to beijing. b. we’re going to study history.

) 12. a. it was a great dayb. in october 2003.

) 13. a. it’s fifty yuanb. it’s sunny and hot.

) 14. a. i go to school by bike. b. i go to school at seven.

) 15. a. i’m going to the airport. b. i went to the supermarket.


在题前括号内写“ t ”,不相同的写“ f ”。每小题录音**两遍。(5分)

) 16. tom went home on foot yesterday.

) 17. sam is very interested in the book.

) 18. i’m wearing a raincoat because it’s going to rain.

) 19. the man wants to buy a pair of shoes.

) 20. listening to music is amy’s hobby.



) 21. rulera. 决定

) 22. closeb. 工人

) 23. decidec. 直尺

) 24. workerd. 了不起的, 出色的。

) 25. wonderfule. 关门, 关闭。

) 26. 同时f. each other

) 27. 小学g. at the same time

) 28. 端午节h. on the phone

) 29. 互相, 彼此i. primary school

) 30. 打**j. the dragon boat festival


) 31. this is our national flag of china.

) 32. yang liwei is a chinese taikonaut.

) 33. look! the students are playing hide-and-seek.

) 34. we are going to study physics and chemistry.

) 35. we’re going to middle school in september.


) 36. theretwelve cups on the desk.

a. are b. is c. was

) 37. look ! the boya picture.

a. drawingb. is drawing c. are drawing

) 38. kate thankedfor the birthday present.

a. i b. myc. me

) 39. yesterday imy little brother a toy bus.

a. buy b. bought c. give

) 40. this is agirl. she’s only 3.

a. loveb. lovelyc. like

) 41. -why are youbecause i can’t find my pen.

a. laughingb. tiredc. sad

) 42. they are going to goodbye to their primary school

a. sayb. saidc. saying

) 43. 迈克是你的榜样,你可以说。

a. mike was a great man. b. mike is a role model for me.

c. mike is proud of me.

) 44.和同学离别时,表示你会思念他们的,你可以说:

a. i will miss youb. wishing you happiness every day.

c. we will always be friends.

) 45. 祝对方将来好运,你可以说。

a. best wishes to you. b. good luck for the future.

c. i’ll keep it forever.


) 46. mr li is our teacher. hechinese.

) 47. pleasepractising english at home.

) 48. tom isin space tr**el.

) 49. helen wrote a book about

) 50. i want to tr**el allthe world.


) 51. which season do you like best?

) 52. how much is it?

) 53. is there a pet shop beside the hospital?

) 54. what subjects does he like?

) 55. did sam go to beijing by train?


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