
发布 2024-02-15 07:40:10 阅读 9648

2、询问怎么到某地的句型及其答语问句 how can +主语 + get (to)+the +地点怎么到···同义句型 can you tell me the way to +地点 where is + 地点 which is the way to +地点答语 turn +方向+表示地点的介词短语转。

五、例句 where is the cinema, please请问电影院在** i t’s next to the hospital它与医院相邻。 turn left at the cinema, then go straight. i t’s on the left.

在电影院向左转,然后直行。它在左边。turn left at the bank在银行左转。


1、where is the museum shop ? 博物馆商店在**?

i t’s near the door . 他在门附近。

2、where is the post office ? 邮局在**?

i t’s next to the museum. 它与博物馆相邻。

3、where is the restaurant? 餐馆在**?

i t’s next to the the park on dongfang street . 它与东方街上的公园相邻。

4、how can we get there ? 我们怎样才能到达那儿?

turn left at the bookstore . 在书店左转。

then turn right at the hospital .然后在医院右转。


1、i want to buy a postcard. 我想去买一张明信片。

2、i want to send it today .今天我想把它寄出去。

3、a talking robot .一个会讲话的机器人。

4、what a great museum ! 好伟大的一个博物馆啊!

5、what an interesting film ! 多么有趣的一部电影啊!

unit 2 ways to go to school

一、主要单词 by乘bus公共汽车 on foot步行 plane飞机 taxi出租车 ship 大船 subway地铁 train火车 slow慢的 stop停下always 总是一直 usually 通常often经常 sometimes 有时候 never 从来不, 永不

二、习惯语搭配 by bike/bus/plane/subway/train/ship/taxi/ferry/sled /boat骑自行车/乘公共汽车/飞机/地铁/火车/船/出租汽车/渡轮 take the no.57 bus乘57路公共汽车 on foot步行slow down慢下来pay attention to注意traffic lights 交通信号灯 look right向右看 cross the road横穿马路get off下车at home在家traffic rules交通规则 get to到达 get on 上车 be far from?表示离某地远。

三、惯用表达式 wait 等一等 hooray太好了 i see. 我明白了。go at a green light 绿灯行 stop at a red light 红灯停wait at a yellow light 黄灯等。

四、公式化句型 1、如何询问对方的出行方式 how do you come(to)+地点你们怎么来···的 2、如何用must表示必须做某事某人+must+动词原形 +其它必须···3、告诫别人不要做某事的句型 don’t +动词原形 +其它不要/别···五、例句 how do you go to school你怎么去上学? usually i go to school on foot. sometimes i go by bus.

通常我步行去上学。有时候骑自行车去。 how can i get to zhongshan park我怎么到达中山公园?

you can go by the no. 15 bus. 同义句:

you can take the no.15 bus.你可以坐15路公共汽车去。

i am far from school now我现在离学校很远。 my home is not far from our school. my home is near our school.

我家离学校不远。 六、重点句型:

1、how do you come to school ? 你怎样来上学?

2、usually , i come on foot . 通常,我步行来。

3、sometimes i come by bus . 有时候我坐公交来。

4、i often come by bike . 我经常骑车来。

5、but i usually walk . 但是我通常步行。

6、how can i get to the fuxing hospital ? 我怎样才能到达复兴医院?

7、take the no.57 bus over there . 在那边坐57路公交车。

8、in the usa people on bikes must wear one (the helmet).


9、don’t go at the red light . 不要在红灯时走。(不要闯红灯。)

10、i must pay attention to the traffic lights.我必须注意交通灯。

11、how do you get to the usa from china ?怎样从中国到达美国?


1、you’re early . 你早啊。

2、that’s good exercise . 那是好的锻炼方式。

3、hooray ! 万岁!

4、i see .(i know.)我知道了。

5、the bus is coming . 公交车来了。

6、you must look right before you cross the road .你过马路之前必须看右边。

7、let me read this for me . 让我为你读这吧。

8、let’s take a bus . 让我们乘公交吧。

主题作文:my family

there are three people in my family. they are my father, my mother, and i . i usually go to school on foot.

my father usually goes to work by car. my mother often goes to work by bike. on the weekend , i often go to the park by bike.

my father often goes to the llibrary by bus. my mother often goes shopping . i often stop and wait at a red light.

we must pay attention to the traffic lights.

unit 3 my weekend plan 一、主要单词 tomorrow明天 film电影 supermarket超市trip旅行 tonight在今晚 evening晚上/傍晚 next week下周comic***杂志 dictionary词典 word单词post card明信片visit拜访。

二、习惯搭配 take a trip去旅行 go for a picnic去野餐 go to the cinema去看电影learn to swim学习游泳 visit my grandparents看望我外祖父母 get together 聚会 go to the supermarket去超市 go ice-skating去滑冰 make a snowman堆雪人see a film看电影make mooncakes做月饼read a poem朗诵一首诗

get together= be together聚会 h**e a big dinner吃大餐 tell us a story 给我们讲故事 this weekend这周末renmin park人民公园next week下周 this morning/afternoon/evening今天上午/下午/晚上next wednesday下星期。

三、惯用表达式 what about you?你呢here they are!它们在这儿 can i help you?

我能帮助你吗sounds great!听起来很棒 h**e a good time!玩得开心you too.


四、公式化句型 1、询问对方打算做什么的句型及其答语问句 what are you going to do +其它你/你们···打算做什么

答语 i’m/we’re going to +动词短语原形+其它。 我/我们打算···see a film take a trip visit my grandparents watch tv...2、询问对方打算去哪儿的句型及答语问句 where are you going(+将来时间你/你们打算 ··去哪儿答语 i’m/we’re going (to the)+地点我/我们打算去···3、询问对方打算何时去做某事的句型及答语问句 when are you going to +动词短语原形你/你们打算什么时候···答语 i’m/we’re going to +动词短语原形+将来时间。

我/我们打算···五、例句 what are you going to do on the weekend你周末打算做什么 i’m going to visit my grandparents this weekend? 这个周末我打算去看望我的外祖父母。 where are you going this afternoon你今天下午打算去** i’m going to the bookstore我打算去书店。

what are you going to buy你打算去买什么 i’m going to buy a comic book我打算去买一本漫画书。


一 背诵本学期学过的句子 where is the cinema,please?it s next to the hospital问地点。where is your home?my home is near the post office.where are you going this after...


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