人教版 小学六年级英语毕业会考试卷 二

发布 2024-02-14 16:30:06 阅读 7857





( )1. a. spring b. summer c. autumn d. weather

( )2. a. bread b. meat c. apple d. butter

( )3. a. cupboard b. desk c. window d. chair

( )4. a. sunny b. rain c. cloudy d. snowy

( )5. a. the b. near c. behind d. on


1. by(同音词2. tall(反义词)__

3. he**y(比较级4. watch(单三形式)__

5. deer(复数现在分词)__

7. west(对应词8. i(宾格)__

9. see(过去式10. drive(名词)__




) 1. what___amy___last weekend ? a. did, do b. do, do c. does, do

) 2. mike __his clothes everyday. a. wash

) 3. we __h**e a football match tomorrow.

a. are going go to c. are going to

) 4. i failed my english test. i am

a. happy

) 5. how___you feelingi’m feeling better. a. am b. are c. do

) 6. it’s raining outside. tom___boreda. feel b. does c. feels

) 7. what did you do yesterday? -i __skiing.

a. go

) 8. how __are youi’m 160 cm tall.

a. old

) 9. my nosea. hurt b. hurts c. is hurting

) 10. _is it ? it’s tuesday.

a. what day b. what colour c. what

) 11. look, they are___the insects carefully.

a. watch

) 12. he is an __he draws pictures. a. actor

) 13. i played __piano. a. \

) 14. i get up __7:oo___the morning. a. at at b. at in in

) 15. i like to go __on sundays. a. fishing b. to fish

三、连词成句。( 10分)

1. likes he listening music to

2. did you there how go

3. do you when beijing to go

4. h**e i throat sore a

5. two years i’m than you younger


1. mike is 148 cm. sarah is 158 cm. (用taller 将两句合为一句)

2. she washes the clothes on sundays . 否定句)

ming usually walks to school .(同义句)

4. he is reading a book now . 就划线部分提问)

5. i did my homework yesterday. (变为一般疑问句)


)1. how he**y is isn’t.

)2. which ruler do you played football.

)3. is your throat is angry.

)4. how are you did.

)5. what’s wrong with square meters.

)6. what did you do last weekend? very well.

)7. how does amy is 36kg.

)8. what do you do if you h**e the flu? h**e a fever.

)9. did you do your homework yesterday? yellow one.

)10. how big is your some medicine.

六、改错。(每小题2分,共10 分。)

1. (line up from short to taller

ab c2what do you do yesterday

a b c3i’m tall than you

a b c

4i’m going in a big trip

a b c5she went fish yesterday

a b c七、根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(10分)

mary comes from the usa. now she is working in tianjin. every morning she gets up very early.

she goes to work by car. she starts her work at 8:30.

she is very busy. she has lunch at 12:30.

after lunch she works again. she finishes (结束) her work at 5:30 in the evening, she takes chinese lessons.

she wants to learn chinese. she likes to live in china and work with chinese people.


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