
发布 2024-02-14 03:45:09 阅读 4889



listening part



( )1. a. on foot b. by bus c. by car

) 2. a. seed b. sprout c. plant

) 3. a. engineer b. writer c. salesperson

) 4. a. straight b. start c. stamp

) 5. a. watch tv b. visit my grandparents c. buy some books


) 4. a. b. c.

) 5. a. b. c.

三、listen and number.听音,给下列**排序。(5分)


( )1. a. yes. do you h**e comic books?

) 2. b. it's easy. first, dig the soil.

) 3. c. she works in a hospital.

) 4. d. yes, she does.

) 5. e. i'm going to walk on the moon.


a. museum b. supermarket c. bank

d. shoe store e. parkf. school



amy: what does your mother do?

mike: she is a

amy: where does she work?

mike: she works in a music company.

amy: how does she go to work?

mike: she goes to work by

amy: what is her

mike: she likesthe violin.

writing part



) b. there c. hear d. hair

) b. come c. sorry

) know b. how

) b. east c. head

) b. five c. pig in


turn righton footgo straightby bike turn left


) b. picture c. art

) b. subway c. bus stop

) salesperson b. dance c. cleaner

) b. shop c. hospital

) b. post card c. company



) 1. my uncle is __accountant. he works in __air-conditioner company.

a. a; a b. an; a c. an; an

)2. —she cleans streets. who's she?

— oh, she is a __

a. salesperson c. tv reporter

) 3. _are you going to beijing?

a. when b. where c. what

) 4. i want to find a good book. i'm going to the __

a. cinema b. library c. museum

) 5.__where is the bus stop?

a. sorry b. excuse me c. hello

) 6are you going to do tomorrow?

we are going to the cinema.

a. what b. how c. where

) 7. we usually stay __home __saturday afternoon.

a. at; in b. at; on c. in; at

) 8. i'm going to the park

a. this weekend b. on this weekend c. in this weekend

) 9. how can izhongshan park?

a. get off b. get on c. get to

) 10. if you go by car, by bike or on foot, you must know the __

a. traffic lights b. traffic rules c. traffic light


( )1. where is the cinema? a. first, do not waste water.

( )2. how do we s**e water? b. you can go by the no. 11 bus.

) 3. is there a pet shop here? c. tangshan.

) 4. how can i get to the hospital? d. it's next to the school.

) 5. where does he come from? e. yes, it's in front of the zoo.


sometimes, school, i, to, bike , by(.)

2. the, cinema, turn, at, left(.)

3. weekend, going, you, what, the, on, are, to, do(?)

4. stamps, i , collecting, like, (

5. comes, rain, the, clouds, from, the, (


jim lives in a city with his wife. he is a car designer. he works in a car company.

it is not far from his home, so he goes to work on foot every day. his wife is a worker, she works in a factory. it’s far from her home, she goes to work by car.

when she drives the car, she is very careful(小心). when the light is red, she stops. when the light is yellow, she waits.

she won’t go until the light is green. she always says that we must obey(遵守) the traffic rules.


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