
发布 2024-02-14 03:25:09 阅读 4511



h bby (兴趣、爱好) fast v l(节日) m t (遇见)

writ (写) v s t(拜访) s nd (发送) res au ant(饭馆)

nimal(动物) f tival(节日) st(东部、东方)


1. 发一封电子邮件。

2. 元宵节3. 思念中国。

4. the tian’an men square5.西湖。

6.成为我的笔友 bike

8. 在加拿大的唐人街。





)1、i___my ice cream yesterday.

a、drop b、dropped c、droped

)2、__oranges do you want?

a、how many b、how much c、 how

)3、a: -is it sam’s schoolbag?


a、his b、its c、hers

)4、a:--can you run fast?

ba、no, she can. b、no, i can’t. c、yes, i do.

)5、i can play football__.

a、good b、well c、at all

四。 选择词填空并把正确答案写在题中横线上,注意书写格式。(8分).

a. has got b.h**e got c.there are d.there is

1some beautiful squares in dalian .

2a book and a pen on her desk .

3. theya lovely dog .

4. shesome photos .


1.there are an apples in our ronm.

went to shang hai.

has got some stamps .

are some cats on the tree.


1、england two i got from h**e friends.

2、in my this china address is .

3、english speak you good very.


are lots of bicycles in china.(改为否定句)

chinatown is in new york.(对划线部分提问)

is the chinatown?

is my sister.(改为复数句)

want to go to chinatowm.(改为一般疑问句)

writing a letter to my family.(改变为一般过去时态)

ia letter to my family yesterday.


) america now .

2tell ) me more about the great wall .

and japan___be ) in the east and mexico___be )in the south.

4youmiss ) china ? sometimes .

5. wego ) to chinatown tomorrow .

) lots of great stamps last year .

like __dance ) andplay ) football is boys’ hobby .

) to chinatown now .


jack and li xuan are good friends. on sunday they are in li xuan’s room . li xuan’s room is very clean and tidy .

there are two windows in his room. near the window there is a desk . on the desk there is an ink bottle, a lamp and some books .

beside the desk there is a bed .on the wall there is a phone of li xuan’s family .

true (t) or false (f)

) 1 on sunday they aren’t in jack’s room .

) 2 there aer two windows in li xuan’s room.

) 3 beside the desk there is a bird .

) 4 there is a chair and a table in li xuan’s room.

) 5 on the desk there is an ink bottle, a cap and some books .


my name is… i live in… my hobby is… my f**ourite festival is…


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小学六年级英语教学质量调研试卷 时限 60分钟 小学六班姓名得分 一 语音 10 a.找出划线部分发音与其余三个不同的那个单词,将其序号填入题前括号内 5 1.a.grass b.pass c.match d.ask 2.a.ago b.costume c.over d.photo 3.a.head...


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