
发布 2024-02-14 03:30:09 阅读 9103


一、 按要求分别写出相应字母的大小写形式。(8分)


b d f g p i y x

二) 写出下列字母的大写形式

a h j k r q t l


)1. a. china b. canada c. the usa d. san francisco

) 2. a. hamburger dog d. sandwich

) football b. table tennis c. run d. basketball

) man b. child c. woman d. children

) that b. what c. where d. when

三、 把下列词组或短语译成汉语。(20分)

1. look atlots of __

much __

you the suona___

7.掉落8.飘走 __

careful10. get off

四、写出下列单词的相应形式。 (20分)

1. buy(同音词现在分词)__

复数序数词) _

现在分词)__not(缩写形式) _


第三人称单数) _同音词。


) letter is __you.

a. in b. at c. for d. on

) going to __tomorrow.

a. rainy b. raining c. rain d. raining

) can __that.

a. do b. does c. did d. to do

)4.—look, who __in the river?

--oh, it’s tom. he often __there.

a. is swimming; swimsb. swims; is swimming

c. swim; swimd. swimming; swimming

) crossing the street, _a car comes.

a. and b. but c. so d. or

) will __in sanya .

a. windy b. be windy c. be rain d. raining

) went to england __august.

a. to b. with c. about d. in

)8. i h**e a sister.

) brother is playing __trumpet.

) can __me?.


1. the___鸭子)are swimming in the pond.

is eating dinner,but the __门铃)rings.

can’t hear,please say __大声地).

am ****** a birthday __卡片)for amy.

a __肮脏) !

three dollars and thirty-five __美分).


iii ) 1. what’s the matter,mikea. because i am happy.

) 2. how much is itb. it’s cold.

) 3. when did lingling go to the library? c. i h**e a headache.

) 4. why do you seventeen dollars.

) 5. what’s the weather like often goes there at 11:00.


there is a park near my home. people like to go to the park. some of them go to the park every day.

look! that is mr king. he is sitting on a chair and watching the children.

some children are playing a game. some boys are playing football. lucy and lily are standing under a tree.

they are talking. there is a small river in the park. we can see some boats on the water.

some children are sitting in the boats with their fathers and mothers. listen! a girl is singing a song.

she sings very well. this is really a nice park. i come here every day.

)1. mr king is standing and watching the children.

)2. there are some rivers in the park.

)3. lucy is talking with lily.

)4. there are some boats on the small river.

)5. the girl can sing very well.


六坝学区六年级英语毕业会考模拟测试卷 一 一 找出每组单词中画线部分发音不同的单词。5分 2.b.flower 二 在四线三格里默写从 f o 的大小写,注意书写规则。5分 三 英汉互译。10分 1.打羽毛球2.玩得开心。3.野营4.练武术。5.向右转6.去散步。7.去超市8.学中文。9.猜字谜10...


小学六年级英语教学质量调研试卷 时限 60分钟 小学六班姓名得分 一 语音 10 a.找出划线部分发音与其余三个不同的那个单词,将其序号填入题前括号内 5 1.a.grass b.pass c.match d.ask 2.a.ago b.costume c.over d.photo 3.a.head...


人教版小学六年级英语下册期末试题及答案。班级姓名得分。一 把不同类的单词找出来,将其序号填在括号里。5分 1 a.he y b.big c.long d.smaller 2 a.ateb.fly c.bought d.did 3 a.runb.swim c.walk d.her 4 a.play b...