
发布 2024-02-14 03:25:09 阅读 6536




snow (形容词) leaf (复数) happy(副词)

cold (反义词) teach (过去式)


1.dog fish bird2. two eleven ten __

3. taller shorter stronger __4. big he**y long __

5. singer worker doctor __


)1. a. say b. play c. today d. may

)2. a. hear

)3. a. fly b. spy c. try d. salty

)4. a. mouth b. this c. thank d. thin

)5. a. who b. whose c. why


1.it’s timeschool. a. to b. for c. at

2. where is the art room? it’s __the second floor.

a. at b. in c. on

3. my fathercar anda camera in the car.

a. h**e; there is b; has; there is c; h**e; has


a. he is my friend, li lei.

b. this is my friend , li lei.

c. my friend is li lei.

5. a big peach isthe short tree and a small bird isthe tall tree.

a. on; on b. on; in c. in; on


、what did you do yesterday? bhow did you go there?

、what day is today? dwhat did you do there ? what day was yesterday?

fdid you play computer game with your cousin? gyes, i did.

ab: it was saturday.

ab: i went to visit my cousin.

ab: i went by bike.

ab: i played computer game with my cousin.

a: did you eat good food in your cousin’s home?

bit was delicious.

六、 选词填空(每小题1分,共5分)。

1. i __taller than john. (is, am , are)

2. _you he**ier than tom? (is, am, are )

3. she __three years older than her litter sister.( is, am, are )

4. how __is your brother? (tall, taller, high )

5. an elephant is __and it is __than a panda.

big, biger, bigger )

七、 请在b栏中找出a栏问句的答语(每小题1分,共10 分)。

abold are youa.. there are five.

2. how many people are there in your family? b. i’m 12.

3. how tall are youc. how do you do.

4. how much is your t-shirt? d. it’s about 6300 kilometers long.

5. how do you usually go to schoole. on foot.

6. how long is changjiang river? f. it’s about 10 minutes by bike.

7. how high is that mountaing. over 1000 kilometers high.

8. how far is it from your home to your school? h. thirty yuan.

9. how are youi. i’m 158cm tall.

10. how do you doj. fine,thank you.

八、按要求改写下列各句。(18分 )

1. he goes to school at 7:40 in the morning. (对画线部分提问)

he go to school in the morning?

2. kate is sitting at the table. (变为一般疑问句)

kateat the table?

3. they go home by bike .(对画线部分提问)

they go home?

4. he likes playing table tennis at school.(变为否定句)

heplaying table tennis at school.

5. are you going to go fishing with me? (肯定回答)

yes, i


1. can mom i to speak please your

2. drinking elephant is its the trunk water with

3. tom ann’s and birthdays in are month same the

4. climb fly i kites mountains on or sometimes weekends


mr. king has a car. in the morning he takes his children to school in his car.

then he drives to work. mr. king and his children do not h**e lunch at home but mrs.

king does. she doesn’t go to work. she stays at home, does some shopping and does some cleaning in the morning.

in the afternoon she usually goes to see some of her friends, has tea and talks a lot with them. then she cooks supper for her family. mr.

king comes back home much later than his children. the children do not come back in their father’s car. they take a bus home.

they usually come back home before five.


六坝学区六年级英语毕业会考模拟测试卷 一 一 找出每组单词中画线部分发音不同的单词。5分 2.b.flower 二 在四线三格里默写从 f o 的大小写,注意书写规则。5分 三 英汉互译。10分 1.打羽毛球2.玩得开心。3.野营4.练武术。5.向右转6.去散步。7.去超市8.学中文。9.猜字谜10...


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人教版小学六年级英语下册期末试题及答案。班级姓名得分。一 把不同类的单词找出来,将其序号填在括号里。5分 1 a.he y b.big c.long d.smaller 2 a.ateb.fly c.bought d.did 3 a.runb.swim c.walk d.her 4 a.play b...