
发布 2024-02-14 03:30:09 阅读 3529


六年级英语试卷 2015.2


hi, 同学们,我们一起来展示学习成果吧!一定要看清题目,细心答题,认真书写哦!满分100分,其中卷面分5分。



)1. a. eat b. each c. teach

)2. a. what b. wear c. weather

)3. a. place b. palace c. play

)4. a. rubbish b. rubber c. rabbit

)5. a. really b. rainy c. read

)6. a. little b. letter c. litter

)7. a. project b. poster c. plastic

)8. a. mouse b. mean c. mouth



)1. a. yes, i do. b. no, i didn’t. c. no, i can’t.

)2. a. it’s monday. b. it’s the second of february.

c. it’s rainy.

)3. a. yes, it is. b. no, it didn’t. c. it’s very messy.

)4. a. they’re going to make cakes.

b. we’re going to make cakes.

c. she’s going to make cakes.

)5. a. it means you can play with the computer here.

b. it means there are some people around here.

c. it means there’s a school nearby. be careful!

)6. a. the river is dirty.

b. the fish are dead.

c. there is rubbish in the water.


)1. it was last friday.

a. halloween b. children’s day c. spring festival

)2. many students were

a. at schoolb. in the parkc. in the zoo

)3. there was agame in the playground.

a. volleyballb. footballc. basketball

)4played games in the classroom.

a. miss li and her students

b. yang ling and her friends

c. all of the students

五、 听录音,完成对话,听三遍。(6分)

it wastoday. i went skating at city squaremy friend lin lin. there were many kites in thethen wethe city museum.

it was so big and we couldon the internet. i found an interesting picture on the wall. it was fun.



) 1. a. eat b. sea c. head

) 2. a. food b. foot c. zoo

) 3. a. hear b. bear c. near

) 4. a. chair b. girl c. thirty

) 5. a. tiger b. her c. sister


1. it istoday. we can fly kites.

2. this sign means “no

3. my grandpa listened to the radio and read

4. there is some纸) on the desk.

5. where is helen going下周)?

6. the长城) is the great building in china.

7. it was wonderful最初),but then there was he**y rain.


1. the mouse saidhappy) to the lion.

2. most of our energycome) from coal and oil.

3. last saturday ibring) a kite to the park.

4. my father can onlysmoking) in the kitchen.

5. you sisterget) a new bike yesterday.


)1. the boy pointed the words on the whiteboard.

a. in b. on c. at

)2. to s**e the water , it is a good way to

a. use b. waste c. reuse

)3christmas, my parents g**e many presents to me.

a. on b. at c. in

)4. —don’t use plastic.

a. too many b. too much c. much too

)5. my brother and sister cheer them loudly.

a. about b. of c. for

)6. my aunt friends at school twenty years ago.

a. makes b. make c. made

)7. billy slips on the skin and .

a. fall b. falling c. falls

)8. last sunday, i had got a toothache. i couldn’t eat drink.

a. but b. and c. or

)9. pleasesmoke here.

a. shouldn’t b. don’t c. not

)10. where su hai and su yang yesterday afternoon?

a. did b. was c. were


1. thanksgiving is a very importantin the us.

2. we can move some factories awayour city.

3. mrs brown has friends from all over the

4. people should reuse andwater.

5. chinese new year is also called


1. don’t lout of the window in class.

2. she is eabout the fashion show.

3. my brother ame some questions about the museum yesterday.


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