
发布 2024-02-14 03:40:09 阅读 3863


一、 根据要求写出正确的单词。5

1、country(复数2 、knife(复数。





11 interest(形容词12 plan(现在分词)__

二、 用动词的适当形式填空。10

1、__mary __h**e) a tape recorder?

2、we canbuy) a new walkman.

3、i’d like __see) it soon.

4、your classlook) so big.

5、listen! her sistersing) a song in english.

6、hele**e) for paris tomorrow.

7、must wefinish) the work before ten o’clock?

8、the boy oftenwatch) tv on saturday evening.

9、__you usually __help) your mother with the housework?

10、li pin**isit) his grandparents next week.

三、catalogue the words. (单词归类) 5%

engineer comic book pink kangaroo nurse news***** zebra brown accountant dictionary




四、 rearrange the words. (句子排序) 10%

1.where on you go your holiday did

2. matter with you what’s the

3. the do you what on weekend do usually

4. you much am than i taller

5. visit i’m tomorrow my going grandparents to

五、fill in the blanks. (根据中文意思,用正确的形式填空) 5%

1.--what does sarah usually do on the weekend?

--she usually看电视) .

2. -what did you do on your holiday?

--i went to beijing and拍照) there.

3. –what is mike doing now?

-he is踢足球) on the playground.

4.–are you going to游泳) this afternoon?

-no, we are going to h**e a picnic.

is taller than zhang peng. but zhang peng is强壮) than john.

六、look and choose. (根据问句,选择正确的答句) 5%

) 1. how are you feeing nowa. he is 130cm tall.

) 2. what’s your new englishb. she is young and strong.

teacher like?

) 3. does your father go to work c. very well.

by bus every day?

) 4. where does your sister work? d. by plane.

) 5. what’s your friend’s hobby? e. no, there isn’t.

) 6. where is your schoolf. he likes collecting stamps.

) 7. when are you going to theg. no, he doesn’t.


) 8. is there a science museumh. near the post office.

near here?

) 9. how do people go to beijingi. she works in a bank.

) 10. how tall is your brotherj. at three o’ clock on saturday



tom went to visit his grandparents with his uncle by plane last holiday. his grandparents live in a beautiful city in hainan. he stayed there for two weeks.

every morning and evening, tom went to see the blue sea with his grandfather. sometimes tom swam in the sea with his cousins. sometimes tom’s grandfather went fishing in the sea on a small boat with him.

his grandmother cooked good food for them every day. his uncle took some nice pictures for him. when he went back home, he bought some seafood for his parents.

根据短文内容判断正误,正确的打“t” ,错误的打“f” 。

) 1. tom visited his grandparents with his parents.

) 2. his grandfather lives in harbin.

) stayed with his grandparents for 14 days.

) bought some presents for his parents.

) went fishing with his cousins.

八、read and fill. 5%

ben写了一封e-mail 给他的pen pal bob,你能根据ben给出的首字母或图写出。


dear bob,

today i felt very tired. in the morning, i went to schoolearly. ithen i had 4 classes in the morning.

in the

afternoon, we had class. iwith my classmates.

after school, iwith chenjie. i am going to

this week. oh, i am so happy. what about you?


九、ask and answer.根据**提示,认真阅读答句,提出相应的问句,使对话合理、通顺并且与**相符合。(每小题1分,共10分)


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