
发布 2024-02-13 00:55:06 阅读 8662

英语作文 composition

1. 在哪一天。(在具体某一天用on)

在星期六on saturday 在星期天on sunday

在上周六last saturday 在上周日last sunday

在第一天on the first day 在第二天on the second day

下一天the next day

2. 在上午in the morning 在下午in the afternoon 在晚上in the evening

在周六上午on saturday morning 在周六下午on saturday afternoon

在上周六上午last saturday morning 在上周六下午last saturday afternoon

在这周六上午this saturday morning 在这周六下午this saturday afternoon

在下周六上午next saturday morning 在下周六下午next saturday afternoon

3.然后。在那之后after that, …在午饭之后after lunch,……

然后then,……and then, …接下来next,……

一)审题——last weekend


周末 =saturday +sunday (2天)


(三)范文1 last weekend

i was happy last weekend.

last saturday, i went to a forest park with my family.

in the morning, we rode a bike and took lots of pictures. after lunch, we rode a bike and went swimming. we had a great fun.

the next day, i did my homework. after that, i went swimming with my friends.

what a great weekend !

范文2 last weekend

hi, everyone. i'm mike. i'm 13 years old. i was busy last weekend.

last saturday, i went to a park with my family in the morning. we had a lot of fun. in the afternoon, i stayed at home and cleaned my room.

sunday was a sunny day. in the morning, i did my homework. after that, i played football with my friends.

i liked playing football very much.

what an interesting weekend !









(三)范文1 changes in me

hello, everyone. i'm amy. i'm different now.

3 years ago, i was short and thin. i couldn't ride a bike. now, i'm taller and stronger than before.

so i can go cycling. i like it very much.

what a big change!

范文2 then and now

everything is changing. me too!

before, i had short hair. but now, i h**e long hair. once i wasn't an active girl.

i didn't talk a lot. now, i talk more than before. i always talk with joy.

changes are with me.

范文3 before and now

hi, my name is mike. changes are with me.

3 years ago, i didn't wear glasses. i was quiet in class. at that time, i didn't like music.

i thought it was too hard(难).

but now, i wear glasses. and i'm very active in class. i like music very much, because i can play the piano.

i'm different now. what about you?

(一)审题——my weekend plan


周末=saturday +sunday (2天)

计划→用“一般将来时”,be going to /will +动原。


(三)范文1 my weekend plan

i h**e a good weekend plan.

on saturday morning, i am going to do my homework. after lunch, i will go to a park and play football with my friends.

the next day, i'm going to a bookstore and buy some that, i will stay at home and read the new books. i like reading books very much.

this is my weekend plan. what are you going to do this weekend?

范文2 my weekend plan

hi, everyone. i'm mike. i'm 13 years old. i will be busy this weekend.

this saturday morning, i'm going to play ping-pong with my friends. we often play ping-pong together on the weekend. in the afternoon, i'm going to stay at home and clean my room.

on sunday, i will go to a park with my family. we will ride a bike for 3 people. and we will also take lots of pictures.

what an interesting weekend !

看图,以my bedroom为题,写一篇作文。不少于5句话。

(一)审题——my bedroom


卧室→卧室有什么。 i h**e...我有。

there is/are...这里有)


in在…里 on在…上面(接触) above在…上面(不接触) under在…下

in front of在…前 behind在…后 beside=near在…旁边 next to紧挨着

(三)范文1 my bedroom

i h**e a bedroom. it's small but clean.

there is a big bed in my bedroom. it is blue. i like blue very much.

next to the bed, there is a desk. on the desk, there is a computer. and there is a bike behind my door.

i often go cycling on the weekend.

this is my bedroom. i like it very much.

范文2 my bedroom

i h**e a lovely bedroom.

there is a nice bike beside the door. i like going cycling very much. near the door, there is a desk.

on the desk, there is a black computer. the computer is new. it's from my father.

i often clean my room. i like it very much.

范文3 my bedroom

hello, i'm zhang peng. i h**e a bedroom. it is small, but it is very nice.

there is a big window in my room. near the window, there is a blue bed and a big desk. on the desk, there is a computer.

above the computer, there is a nice photo. it's me!


英语作文 composition 1.在哪一天。在具体某一天用on 在星期六on saturday 在星期天on sunday 在上周六last saturday 在上周日last sunday 在第一天on the first day 在第二天on the second day 下一天the ne...


一 国名。澳大利亚中国美国。英国加拿大日本。德国新西兰意大利。英格兰俄罗斯印度。二 动物。猫狗老鼠乌龟 兔子猪奶牛马。绵羊山羊鹅鸭。鱼鸟鸡猴子 狮子老虎熊猫长颈鹿 熊大象蛇鲸。鹰袋鼠天鹅豹子 猎豹鳄鱼豚猪鹿。北极熊公牛金鱼蜘蛛 恐龙青蛙鲨鱼龙。三 天气。有风的多云的阳光灿烂的 下雨的干燥的热的 凉爽...


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