
发布 2024-02-12 18:20:04 阅读 5740





a. where did you go yesterday afternoon ?

b. what did you do yesterday afternoon?

) 2. a. i went to lily’s birthday party

b. i went to the park with lily.

) 3. you h**e a birthday party last week ?

b. did you h**e a birthday party last year?

) yes, i didb. no, i didn’t.

) i must go to school. b. i must go to bed.

三、根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答语(听两遍 10分)

)1. a. yes, i like winter best. c. yes, i like winter.

)2. a. no, she isn’t. b. yes, she is. c. no, she doesn’t.

)3. a. it’s the 17th of april. b. it’s thursday. c. it’s on the 17th of april

)4. a. yes, he does. b. yes, he was. c. yes ,he is.

)5. a. we usually plant trees on the hill. b. we usually plant trees in spring.

c. we usually go there on foot.



)1、a. jim b. kate c. boy d .helen

)2、a. he b. his c. hers d. ours

)3、a. season b. spring c. summer d. winter

)4、a. open b. close c. drink d. book

)5、a .hot b. cold c. hungry d. twenty

)6、a. seventy b. eighty c. sleep d. five

)7、a. jacket b. sweater c. tired d. shorts

)8、a. dance b. went c. jump d. run

( )9、 a . pear b . applec . flowerd . banana

( )10、 b. football c. ball pen


( )1. -where __you just now? -iin the playground.

a. was, were b. was, was c. were, was

( )2. "keep off the grass" means

a. we shouldn't make any noise on the grass

b. we shouldn't walk on the grass

c. we shouldn't eat or drink on the grass

( )3.--what is he doing? -he___back to class.


( )4..who is the boy red hair ?

( )want __can you come with me,please?

go shopping go shop to shop

( )6don’t you play basketball with you classmates?

( )know a lot about i want to learn __about it.

( )8is the first day of the week and is the first month of the year.

a. monday; january b. sunday; february c. sunday; january

( )9. would you liketo drink ?.

( )visit our relatives and eat a lot of delious food

women’s day halloween spring festival


) 1 当你想知道别人通常在周末干什么时,问:

you usually do at weekend?

b. what does you usually do at weekend?

c. what do you usually do at weekend?

) 2 当你想知道计算器是谁送的时,问:

a. who is the teapot from? b. who is the skateboard from?

c. who is the calculator from ?

) 3 当你想告诉别人你不会游泳时,你会说:

a. i don’t swim. b. i can’t swim. c. i don’t like to swim.

) 4 当你想知道对方的爸爸是做什么的,问:

a. who is your fatherb. what is your father’s job?

does your father like?

) 5当你想知道这些苹果多少钱时,问:

a. how much are these apples? b. how much are these apple?.

c. how many apples are there?


a: excuse me, can you tell me the way to the

b:go along thisand then turn at the crossing.

it’s on your

ais it from here?

b: about two kilometers

a: thanks a lot


班别姓名成绩。听力部分。一 听音,找出你所听到的字母或数字,并把序号写在前面括号内。10分 1.a.p m b.a m c.c d 2.a.u k b.h k c.u n 3.a.b d v b.d q p c.d b v 4.a.k h j b.j f g c.j q g 5.a.r e i b....


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