
发布 2024-02-12 17:45:04 阅读 5753



一、按字母表顺序将下列单词排序,请将序号写在括号里。( 15分)




)1. pandaa. roosterb.

)2. mondaya. dayb.

tuesdayc. friday()3. handa.

legb. footc. tape()4.

onea. threeb. doorc.

seven()5. actora. manb.

workerc. waitress()6. whitea.

redb. brownc. skirt()7.

bananaa. peachb. planec.

pear()8. winter()9. headachea.

feelb. coughc. fever() toothbrushc.



) 1. my mother __three sons.

a. h**eb. hasc. is() 2is he?--he is ten.

a. whatb. whoc. how old() 3. kate and jane __my good friends.

a. isb. amc. are() 4. -wherehe from?--he __from china.

a. is; comeb. is; comesc. does; is

) 5are these? -they are red pencils.

a. whatb. wherec. what colour

) 6. -how can i __the cinema?

up) 7. that girl is __friend. _name is mary.

a. iher() 8. helen enjoys __music.

a. listeningb. listening toc. listen to() go __home.

a. tob. hisc. /

childsc. children

)11. .i can go swimming __onb. inc. at

) 12. the first month of the year is

a. januaryb. aprilc. march

)13are these books? -thirteen yuan.

a. how much

)14that`s tom`s ruler.

a. who’s tom’s ruler? b.

whose ruler is it? c. what ruler is that?

()some bread and some apples on the table.

a. isb. arec. be

) did you go on your holiday? -i went __train.

a. onb. byc. with

)17spring is the___

oneb. first c. second

) _football on the field.

playingc. are playing

) youa. no thanksb. you`re welcomec. ok

) aren`t __apples on the tree.

a. any

四.按要求写句子。(5分) is a tiger.(改为一般疑问句)

are some bananas.(改为单数句。

get up at seven o`clock. (改为一般疑问句)

book is on the desk..(对划线部分提问 h**e ten classes a week. (对划线部分提问)


c. hello.


a. what`s the weather today?bhow`s the weather like today?

c. what`s the weather like today?


are you?




a. where are you ?b. where were you born?c. where wereyou?


一)my name is lily. this is my house. there are five rooms in my house.

thisis my father and mother’s room. there are three pictures on the wall. there isa desk near the window.

there are two chairs in front of the desk.

ontheleftoftheroom,thereisatoilet.(厕所)ontheright,it’ are four pictures on the wall.

根据短文内容判断:正确的在括号里写t,不正确的写f。()1. this is lily’s house.

)2. there are four rooms in the house.()3. there are three pictures in lily’s room.

)4. there are two chairs and a desk in father and mother’s room.()5.

the toilet is on the left of my father and mother’s room.(二)

i'magirlstudentinclasstwo,' grade, but he is in class three. we are good students at school.

i h**e a good friend. i call her miss yang yang. do you think yang yangis a good girl?

no, you're wrong. she isn't a girl, but a cat, a nice cat. she is black andwhite.

she is one, but she looks the same as her mother.


5.what colour is the cat?

how old is li hong?

are li hong and li yang in the same class?

who is li hong`s friend?

is yang yang a cat?


班别姓名成绩。听力部分。一 听音,找出你所听到的字母或数字,并把序号写在前面括号内。10分 1.a.p m b.a m c.c d 2.a.u k b.h k c.u n 3.a.b d v b.d q p c.d b v 4.a.k h j b.j f g c.j q g 5.a.r e i b....


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