
发布 2024-02-12 17:40:04 阅读 1609





如:loud sound1. please m2. food m

3. hard f4. there w___

b. there are the names of some countries hidden in this grid(**).至少写出四个国家的名字(用大写字母)?





d. 根据所给单词首字母,完成单词拼写,使句子正确。(8×0.25=2分)

1. doctor zhang did an ein chemistry yesterday.

2. i like cbooks. the cartoon characters(人物)are funny.

3. —how are you todayi’m not f___well.

4. we skied and m___a snowman in harbin on our holiday.

5. —s___we clean the classroomok. let’s.

6. —w___man is your english teacherthe one in red.

7. —what’s your hobbyd

8. —what’s your f___jobhe’s an accountant.

e. 根据所给音标,写出英语单词,使句子完整。(4×0.25=1分)

1. —hello. may i speak to miss white, pleasespi:ki /.

2. everyone must obey the trafficru:lz /.

3. —what did she wear yesterdayshew:/ a yellow t-shirt.

4. —what did you do on your holidayi boughtpreznts/.

f. 根据句子前后意思,写出所缺的单词,使句子完整。(4×0.25=1分)

1. doing sports is much better thancomputer games.

2. my father __news*****s before breakfast this morning.

3. —do you know yao ming? —of course. he’s astar.

4. an apple a daythe doctor away.

g. 用方框内所给词的正确形式填空。(12×0.25分=3分)

people often say, “a good book can be helpful to one’s whole life. ”i __reading books very muchabout you ?

there’s a very nice library near my home. i often go there to __and borrow books. the librarians(图书管理员)are verythey always tell me __books are good and how to find them.

i also go to bookshopsbuy my f**ourite books. there arebooks in my room. i read __kinds of good books after class.

the books are not only helpful to my __but also to my __

i likebooks. they are really my good



)1. —why not __out for a walkgood idea.

a. going b. to goc. go d. went

)2. —jim, where is your homework ?

i forgot it.

a. hurry up b. this way, please. c. oh dear d. over there

)3. —can you __japaneseyes, a little.

a. sayb. speakc. talk d. tell

)4. —how __is the box of peachesabout 10 kilograms.

a. many b. longc. he**y

)5. —is itbackpackno, it’s not

a. your, mine b. my, your c. hers, his d. his, her

)6. —it’s time forhome. —let’s

a. us to go, gob. us to go to, to go

c. i to go , god. our to go, go

)7. —how large is your roommy room is

a. 50 square meters b. 50 cm long c. size 50 d. 50 tons

)8. —when were you borni was born __march 11th,1995.

a. inb. onc. atd. for

)9. look ! someoneup the wall. is he a thief ?

a. climbs b. is climbing c. climbed d. will climb

)10. —can you give me a hand, please

a. i h**e two handsb. thank you.

c. of course. i am comingd. no, thanks.

)11let me see. three yuan a kilo.

a. how many do you wantb. how much are the grapes

c. how many are the grapesd. what are they

)12. bob and liza are classmateslike ****** kites.

a. they all b. they both c. one of them d. both of us


)1. what’s the time by your watcha. i am.


班别姓名成绩。听力部分。一 听音,找出你所听到的字母或数字,并把序号写在前面括号内。10分 1.a.p m b.a m c.c d 2.a.u k b.h k c.u n 3.a.b d v b.d q p c.d b v 4.a.k h j b.j f g c.j q g 5.a.r e i b....


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