
发布 2024-02-11 12:55:08 阅读 1850


一、 找出与所听单词属同一类的词(5分)

)1 a. pencil b. twelve c. dog d. english

)2 a. watch b. trousers c. purple d. computer

)3 a. jacket b. china c. student d. japanese

)4 a. pear b. orange c. eraser d. school

)5 a. i b. him c. their d. under

二、 根据录音,选出你所听到的单词。(5分)

)1、 a、 twelve b、 twelfth c、 twentieth d、 twins

)2、 a、 when b、 one c、 went d 、wait

)3、 a、 uncle b、 aunt c、answer d、 after

)4、 a、 clock b、 cupboard c、 carrot d、 calculator

)5、 a、 festival b、 february c 、f**ourite d、 coin

三、 听录音,选出合适的应答句。(10分)

)1、a、 that’s all right. b、 yes, i can c 、thank you, )2 a、 yes, i h**e. b、 ok, here you are.

c、 yes ,i can.

)3、a、 yes, there is. b 、yes, it is . c、yes they are.

)4、a、 it’s in shanghai . b sorry, i don’t know. c no, i can’t

)5、a、 10 b、 8 c、 12

四、 听录音,完成对话(10分)

a: hello! what __you __last weekend ?

b: i __to visit a farm with my friends ?

a: what __you do on the farm ?

b: we __trees . we __cows , too .

a: really ? that was fun !

b: yes . it’s very interesting .

adid you do ?

b: we collected __

a: great ! i __to go to the farm , too !

五、 按要求写词(8分)

1. diary(复数2. go(过去式)__

3. there(同音词4. one(序数词。

5. h**e(第三人称单数6. i(名称性物主代词)__

7. were not(缩略形式8. in front of(反义词。

六、 词组翻译(10分)


3.过得愉快4. 国庆节。

5.春节6. a public telephone __

year’s day

food10. dress up

七 、用所给词的适当形式完成下列各句(10分)

) some orange juice in the glass .

go )to school on sundays.

) are working over there .

are fivepeople ) in my family .

5i ) is blue , and this one is gray.

you likeh**e ) a cake ?

betterkeep ) the room nice and clean .

8they ) teach me chinese , and i teachthey ) english .

) youdo ) last sunday ?

! mikefly ) a kite .


) 1. _only bread and some oranges on the table .

a. there are b. there is c. there aren’t d. there isn’t

) 2. these are my football shoes . where are __

a. you b. yours c. yourself d. yourselves

) 3. a red apple is __the short tree and a small bird is __the tall tree .

a. on ; on b. in ; in c. on ; in d. in ; on

) is betty’s bike .giveplease .

a. her it b. it for her c. it to her d. she it

) 5. -thank you , mike

a. you’re welcome b. that’s right you ,thank you

) 6. please give __your penpen isn’t here .

a. i ; my b. mine ; i c. me ; mine d. me ; my

) 7. i’d like a big cake __lots of strawberries __my birthday party.

a . of, for b. with, as c. with, for for

) 8.-would you like to go there , too ?

a. yes , i do b. yes , i’d like c. yes , i would d. yes , i’d love to

) 9. where __you a week ago? i __in beijing.

a. was were b. were was c. was was d. were were

) 10. we go and do some shopping __sunday morning .

a. in b. on c. at d. of

九、 按要求变换句型(10分)

father goes to work by bike . 对画线部分进行提问)

___does his father __to work ?

do it like that ! 改为否定句)

it like that , please!

3. the teapot is mine. (对画线部分进行提问)

is it?

4. we eggs collected up and pulled carrots there ( 连词成句)

5. weekend else you last did what do (?连词成句)



the sign on the building __we __stay away from it.


the running race is very __let’s take some___


what __is it? it’s the ninth of


___you___apples on the farm?


my f**ouriteis


dear john,i saw your name in the news***** .i would like to be your penfriend .

i am twelve years old . i live in shanghai .i am a pudong primary school .

we study chinese ,english ,maths ,science ,art ,pe and some other subjects .my f**ourite subjects are pe and maths . i like playing basketball with my friends after school .

i like collecting stamps ,too .i h**e a lot of beautiful stamps . i will finish primary school soon and go to middle school.

i’d like to know everying about you . please write to me soon . my e-mail address is gaoshan .

best wishes!

yours ,gao shan

根据短文,判断下面的句子与短文内容是否相符,相符的写“t”,不相符的写“f ”。know john’s name from the magazine .

)2. the letter is from john to gao shan .

)3. gao shan’s f**ourite subjects are maths and pe .

)4. gao shan likes collecting stamps and playing football.

)5. gao shan doesn’t h**e e-mail address.

last sunday the children went to the park,gao shan flew his kite with made (make)the kite with his father .yang ling played games with some friends, helen did not play games with them

she took(take)photos of her tao played football with d**id and other boys. soon they were all tired and they sat under a ate (eat)some snacks and had some the children were had a good time.

)1.__and __flew a kite in the park.

a. gao shan; ben b. gao shan; his father c. ben; his father

) with some friends.

a. played b .don’t play c. did not play

)3.__played football.

a. gao shan and other boys b. d**id , ben and other boys

c. lin tao ,d**id and other boys

) her friends .

a. played games with b. took photos of c .played football with

) under the tree.

something to eat and drink b. played games c .played football



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6.选出不同类的单词 是属于基础知识,主要考查学生对单词的掌握程度。这道题由于平时我们都让学生们背诵单词,所以失分的并不多,95 的学生都答的不错。七单选题。这道题对于小学生来说不太难,因为这道题在练习册中已学过,但也有部分同学失分了,因为有很多同学单词不会,或是肯定回答和否定回答不确定。八选词 用...


刘贻立。六年级的考试内容都以基础性知识为主,关注全体学生,重在考查他们的综合语言运用能力。通过考试,对教师的 教 和学生的 学 起到导向作用,即 要继续激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的英语听力 阅读 理解 交际能力。本次考试及格率是99 优秀率是83 一 听力部分。听力测试旨在考查学生听音 辨音及听力...