
发布 2024-02-08 11:51:22 阅读 5857








step 1 free talk:

t: what day is it today?

s1: it’s …

t: what’s the date?

s1: it’s …

t: what’s the weather like today?

s1: it’s …

t: what lessons do you h**e this morning?

s2: i h**e …

t: what subject do you like?

s2: i like …

t: do you study … well?

s2: yes, i do./ no, i don’t.

t: oh, you are so great! i think you should study harder. try your best, ok?

t: i like pe, because i like sports.

do you like sports?

i like playing table tennis. what sport do you like?

do you … every day?

step 2 review the phases

1t: good, we should do some exercise to keep healthy.

there are many kinds of sports.

can you say them quickly?

s: …2t: after school, we can do these sports, and what else can you do?

i usually read books and watch tv after school.

what do you usually do after school?

s: …t: now let’s play a game.

课件呈现photos,教师作示范造词组take photos

step 3 复习一般现在时,主语是第。


1 t: i think, all of you study english well.

you know, i h**e a new friend; he studies english well, too.

do you want to know him?

now you can ask him some questions.

s: 人机对话,问billy

如下问题what’s your name?

how old are you?等。

t: let’s read billy’s self introduction.

t: now please fill in your information card.

s: 学生填写自己的信息卡,并模仿billy的自我介绍,向全班汇报。

1 t:look, this is my good friend, miss ji. ppt7

you can ask me these questions.

how old is she?

where does she live? and so on.

can you try?

2 t: i h**e another friend in our class. can you guess who my friend is?

s: is your friend a boy?

where does he live?

does he jump high?

i think your friend is …

t: yes, you’re right. /no, you’re wrong.

3 t: now let’s guess who your friend is.

4 introduce your friend for us.

step 5 总结一般现在时的用法。


hello!大家好, 我叫“一般现在时”,你想知道我的故事吗let me tell you!



我常常与often, usually, sometimes ,on sundays等词连用,动词用原形。不过当主语是第三人称单数时,要在动词后加s或es。

例: i often read books at home.

she plays the violin every day.

如果是疑问句,还要用助动词do (主语是第三人称单数用does)构成,动词用原形。

例: do you usually play football after school ?

what does he do on sundays?

下次见到我时,千万不要忘记我是“一般现在时”啊!see you!




3 读一读变化后的动词。

step 6 let’s do some exercise.

1 finish the exercise with proper words.

a. sometimes, ibasketball after school.

my father usuallynews*****s in the evening.

___your mothershopping every friday afternoon?

whathelen usuallyon saturdays?

e. i like chinese, but my friend, benpe.

2 listening exercise.

t: i wrote an e-mail to you. please help me finish it.

s: listen and fill in the blanks.

step 7 homework

向我介绍你的好朋友们 。

this is my friend. her name is ….she’s ….she lives in ….she likes…



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