
发布 2024-02-08 12:35:01 阅读 3733










一)i usually read books. (last night/last weekend ) tonight/this weekend)

sometimes playwent一)be going to﹢动原。

二)you … watch tv . 特殊) boughti am going to swim…

复)they oftenwasyou are going to …

三) (单) he/she goes … 一般) watchedthey are going to …

playsrowedhe/she is going to …


step1 : review the present indefinite tense(一般现在时)

t : today let’s review something that we’ve learned . you know i usually read books at home .

sometimes i play with my son . 板书)now i want to know what do you usually do at home ?

s1/s2/s3 : i usually …(生答,师板书)

t : what does your mother/father usually do at home ?

s1/s2/s3 : my mother/father usually… at home .


t : what do they often do in the evening ?

s1/s2/s3 : they often …in the evening . 生答,师板书)

t : let’s read these sentences .

s : t : who can make a summary about this part ?

why do the verbs plus “s” or “es” ?


t : ok, now let’s ask your partner and finish the chart, then tell us in class .

step2 : review the past indefinite tense (一般过去时)

t:yesterday i went to tangshan. i bought some food and clothes for my son .

then i rowed a boat . i was very happy .(板书动词过去式)who can tell me what did you do yesterday /last night /last weekend?

s1/s2/s3 : i watched tv yesterday . 分类板书动词过去式)

t : please read after me .

who can make a summary about this part .


t: ok, now let’s ask your partner and finish the chart, then tell us in class .

25、意大利的科学家伽利略发明了望远镜,天文学家的“第三只眼”是天文望远镜,可以分为光学望远镜和射电望远镜两种。step3 : review the future indefinite tense (一般将来时)

17、细胞学说的建立被誉为19世纪自然科学的三大发现之一。t : listen to me.

i feel very hot . i am going to swim in the swimming pool tomorrow. suppose tomorrow is sunday .

what are you going to do tomorrow ?

s1/s2/s3 : i am going to …tomorrow .(板书)

t : what is your father/mother going to do this weekend?

4、科学家研究表明昆虫头上的触角就是它们的“鼻子”,能分辨出各种气味,比人的鼻子灵敏得多。s1/s2/s3 : my father/mother is going to…this weekend.


4、“我迈出了一小步,但人类迈出了一大步。”这句话是阿姆斯特朗说的。t: what are they going to do this weekend ?

s1/s2/s3 : they are going to …this weekend . 板书)

t : who can make a summary about this part .(师板书:be going to﹢动原)


3、除了我们日常生活产生的家庭垃圾外,工厂、学校、医院、建筑工地等每天也在产生大量的垃圾。t: ok, now let’s ask your partner and finish the chart, then tell us in class .

t : 做补充)“will”在一般情况下可替换“be going to”

例如: i am going to swim tomorrow .

可写成:i will swim tomorrow.

step4 : 综合练习。

1、 make dialogues(编对话)

a: what do you usually dob: i usually …

a: what did you dob: i …

a: what are you going to do…? b: i am going to

2、exercises *****:


step5 : 结束课堂教学。


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变化形式有四种 原形词尾加 s 现在第三单人称 过去原形加 ed 过去分词也相同 原形加上 ing 现在分词或动名。原形词尾加 s 如同名词复数式。若加 ed ing 以下情况要注意 词尾有e只加d,ing去无声e 词尾ie变成y,然后再加ing 辅音之后y结尾,y要变i加ed 现在分词不变y,直接...