NEW 小学六年级英语复习

发布 2024-02-01 06:05:06 阅读 6398


do you want? i want a dictionary. 你想要什么。我要一本字典。

would you like? i ‘d like a bowl of noodles. 你想吃什么? 我要一碗面。

color are the apples? they are red. 苹果什么颜色。 他们是红色。

are they? they are apples. 他们是什么? 他们是苹果。

he**y are they? they are 3kg. 他们多重? 3公斤。

did you buy? i bought a diary. 你买了什么? 我买了一本日记本。

are you ? i’m fine. 你好吗? 我很好。

do you do? how do you do? 你好。 你好。

to meet you! nice to meet you,too. 很高兴见到你。我也很高兴见到你。

me! where is the metro station?打扰一下,地铁站在**。

i hug people when i meet them the first time? no, you shouldn’t.

第一次见面我能拥抱别人吗? 不,你不应该。

i talk loudly in the library? no you can’t. 我能在图书馆大声说话吗? 不,你不能。

should i do when i meet them the first time? you should shake hands with them. 当第一次见面时,我应该做什么?


should i do when i see a fire? you should call 110.


are you going to do? i am going to get this notebook. 你将要做什么?我将要去买这本笔记本。

do you want to do ? i want to go shopping .你想去做什么?我想去购物。

do you want to buy? i want to buy a new notebook.你想买什么?我想买一本笔记本。

much is the notebook? it’s ten yuan.这本笔记本多少钱? 10元。

the watch expensive? yes, it is. no, it isn’t. 这个手表贵吗?是,是的。不是,不是的。

you like the dictionary? yes, i do. no , i don’t. 你喜欢这本字典。 是的,我喜欢。不,我不喜欢。

were you doing when the bell rang? i was watching tv at home.

当钟声响起时,你正在做什么? 我正在家看电视。

you reading a magazine at 8:00pm yesterday?


yes, i was. no , i was reading news*****s. 是的。 不,我正在看报纸。

did she do yesterday evening? she watched tv.

昨天晚上她做了什么? 她看了电视。

was mary doing when the bell rang? she was cheering at the park.

当钟声响起时,玛丽正在做什么? 她正在公园欢呼。

christmas! the same to you. 圣诞快乐! 你也一样。

new year! thank you , the same to you . 新年快乐!谢谢,你也一样。

27. thank you! you’re all right.谢谢你, 没关系。

am sorry. that’s all mind. 对不起,没关系。

you happy? yes. i am happy. 你开心吗? 是的,我很开心。

30. what should you do when you wait for a bus? i should line up.

当你等公车时,你应该做什么? 我应该排队。

31. what should you do when you walk on the busy street?

i should say “excuse me.” 当你走在忙碌的街上,你应该做什么。


is the longest river in china? the changjiang river.

哪条河是中国最长的? 长江。

is the longest river in the world? the nile river.


is the second river in china? the yellow river.

中国第二长的河流是哪条? 黄河。

your f**ourite character? snow white.


your f**ourtie event? the 100m race.你最喜欢的项目是什么? 100米跑步。

your f**ourite story? journey to the west

你最喜欢的故事是什么? 《西游记》

should i do when i can’t hear anything? say”pardon me”

当我听不清楚时,我应该做什么? 说“请再说一遍”

should i do when i answer the phone? say “hello”

当我接**时候,我应该做什么? 说“你好”

40. could i play with the fire when i was young? no , you couldn’t.


i play with the fire? no, you can’t.我能玩火吗? 不,你不能。

42. would you like to go swimming with us? 你想和我们一起去游泳吗?

i’d love to. but i am afraid not. i am so busy.我很乐意去,但我担心我很忙。

your f**ourite animal? parrots.你最后的动物是什么? 鹦鹉。

45. how long can the turtles live? 200 years. 乌龟可以活多久?200年。

you do martial arts last sunday? yes , i did. no, i didn’t.

上周日你打了武术了吗? 是的,我打了。不,我没有打。

47. what are you doing now? i am doing my homework.你现在在做什么?我正在做家庭作业。

48. did tom meet a friend? yes , he did.

no, he didn’t. tom见到了朋友了吗? 是的,见了。


is that? this is tim. 你是哪位?我是tim(**用语)

50. are there any books? yes , there are. no , there aren’t.有一些书吗?

there any books? yes , there were. now, there weren’t.有一些书吗?(过去式)

did you hear the news on the radio? it was about ten o’clock.


did the fire happen? it happened in a building.火灾在**发生的? 在大厦里。

54. what did you do when there is a fire? i didn’t take my things.


does peter want to buy? he wants to buy…. peter想买什么?他想买…

notebook does mary like? the blue 喜欢哪本笔记本? 蓝色的那个。

on the watch? an astronaut.手表上有什么? 一名宇航员。

colour is tim’s bike? black. tim的自行车是什么颜色? 黑色。

is lily going to buy? she is going to buy a big hat. lily打算买什么?她打算买一顶大帽子。

animal can see the best? the eagles 哪个动物视力最好?老鹰。

61. which animal can repeat the best? the parrots. 哪个动物复述得最好?鹦鹉。

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