
发布 2024-01-31 22:05:02 阅读 1862

unit 2 ways to go to school ( b卷)


一 、listen and choose


) 1. a .yellow b. yes2. a. slowy b. slow

) 3. a. stand b. stop4. a. down b. door

) 5. a. tree b. traffic


) 1. a. on foodb. on footc. by foot

) 2. a. by taxib. on trainc. by train

) 3. a .oftenb. offc. of

) 4. a. nature zoob . nature park c .nature bark

) 5. a. howb. how oldc. how many

) 6. a. go tob. get toc. come to

) 7. a. cakeb. makec. take

) 8. a. helmetsb. helloc. help

) 9. a. standb. stopc. stay

) 10. a .munichb. museumc. must

二、listen and circle


) 1. how can i get to the post office2. how does he get to shanghai from beijing?

abab )3. what should we do at a green light4. what colour is the traffic

light now ?

aba b ) can you see this sign ?

ab三、 listen and choose


) 1. a. yes, they dob. yes, i do.

) 2. a. by busb. i go to work by bus.

) 3. a. yes, you canb. yes, i can.

) 4. a. turn right at the school. b. she usually comes by car.

) 5. a. no, i don’tb. no, i’m not .

) 6. he willb. yes, he does.

) 7. a. because it’s fast. b. because it’s slowy.

) 8. a. they are eightb. eight.

) 9. a. on the roadb. in the sky.

) 10. a. stop and waitb. slow down and stop.

四、listen and fill


1. rose: i usually come to school by bus. whatyou, amy ?

amy : i usually come by

2. tonycan you get to dalian ?

mike: i can get there byor by ship.

3. sarah: can wethe no. 21 bus to the library ?

benwe can.

4. lily: the trafficis yellow . can i go ?

bill : no, you must slow down and

5. d**id: let’sto the science

bella: great .

五、listen and judge


) 1. mike wants to go to the post office by bike.

) 2. mike will send a postcard to his grandma.

) 3. mike doesn’t wear the helmet, when he rides his bike to the post office.

) 4. when the light is yellow, mike must slow down.

) 5. when the light is red , mike must stop and wait.


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