六年级英语作文 周末计划PlanforWeekend

发布 2024-01-31 17:35:00 阅读 8001

六年级英语作文:周末计划plan for weekend

周末快到了,你有什么周末计划呢,下面为大家带来几篇六年级英语作文:周末计划plan for weekend,欢迎阅读周末计划plan for weekend

thespring comes and the scenery is beautiful. therefore, i makeplan to enjoy the vernalsunshine and fresh air with my parents. wewill climb the qing shan mountain onsaturday.

the scenery there isbeautiful. there are green trees and colorful is a peachforest there and now they all blossom. i see many photos day in qing shan park.

this is the most important thing thisweekend.



周末计划plan for weekenddear anna,亲爱的安娜:

i’mgoingtoh**eabusyweekend!onsaturday,i’m going visit my friends by car. because i h**en’tseen them for a long time.

then, i’m going to the i’m going to go for a walk. then, in the afternoon,i’ we are going to watch tv together. that will be fun!

whatabout you? what are you going to do on the weekend?




你呢?周末你打算做什么呢?周末计划plan for weekend

usually,iamfreeattheweekends,butsometimesialsoh**esomething to do. this weekend, i will be busy, because at saturday, iam going to read a magazine in the morning. afternoon, i will go tothe zoo with my grandparents.

on sunday, i will go to the to learn kongfu. at night, i will stay at home and h**e a goodrest.




六年级英语周末作业 2.28 3.1 一 翻译词组。1.去散步。2.和 一样强壮。3.在一棵大树下。4.在星期天的早晨。5.看起来一样。6.某天。7.独生子。8.聊天。9.孪生姐妹。10.你的 东西 还是我的 东西。11.星期天早晨。12.去散步。13.非常高兴看见他们。14.在一棵大树下。15.聊...


一 英汉互译。1.捡起纸币6.no drinking 2.许多花7.look around 3.禁止吸烟8.on the bird s cage 4.一个公共标志9.fine 10 5.散步10.come up 二 选择正确答案。1.let h e a look.a.web.usc.our 2.th...


一 按要求写出下列单词。1.catch 过去式2.wake 过去式。3.bite 过去式4.let 过去式。5.sad 副词6.quiet 副词。7.loud 副词8.happy 副词。9.strong 反义词10.small 反义词。2 英汉互译。1.go to bed early2.把他的东西摆...