六年级英语周末练习 5

发布 2020-03-26 19:29:28 阅读 7479

淮阴实验小学六年级英语周末练习5(unit1-3) lyt

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)1. how many stops are there herea. great. let’s go.

)2. how can i get to jinling primary school? b. gao shan is.

)3. let’s go and visit the history museum. c. only two.

)4. is it far from hered. about nine thirty.

)5. is there a snack bar near our schoole. no, it isn’t far.

)6. how far did d**id jumpf. it’s near the cinema.

)7. where is the post officeg. yes, she does.

)8. who’s taller than jimh. sorry, i don’t know.

)9. does mary h**e any brothersi. four metres.

)10. what time do you go to bedj. yes, there is.


1.住在中国 shopping centre

2.到达那里 tall as my brother

3.去散步 off the bus

4.在北京路上 five minutes

5.向右转 the train


) want to buyinteresting book __my friend.

a. an; forb. an; ofc. a; for

) sister is as __as my brother.

a. strongb. strongerc. taller

) thief stole my purse andout of the shop.

a. runsb. ranc. run

) the usa.

a. areb. comec. comes

) school isbeijing road. it is not far __here.

a. on; fromb. in; awayc. on; for

)6. you can take bus no.1 and get off at the___stop.

a. fourb. fourthc. fours

)7. it is sports day. we area running race.

a. watchb. watchingc. watches

)8. they are fromthey can speak

a. australia; english b. australian; china c. australia; australia

) meplease.

a. to go to home b. to go home c. go home

)10. ben jumpsthan his cousin, jack.

a. farb. fartherc. farmer


the lake and had a chat.

this is

hai and su yang are twins. they

4.-who’sd**id? -gao shan is.

someone is


a: new year is coming. i want to

buy some presents __my friends.

bdo you want to go?

a: i want to go to thecentre. but i don’t

know thecan you __me the

way to the shopping centre?

b: let me see. you can __a bus.

acan i

b: you can take bus no.16 and get off at the fifth stop.

a: i see. thank you. b: that’s all


1. i did my homework last sunday. (对划线部分提问)

whatyou __last sunday?

me. where is the chende park?( 写出同义句)

excuse me. can you tell thethe chuxiu park?

3. these are my books. (对划线部分提问books __these?

4. the post office is on zhongshan road. (提问is the post office?

5. he goes to school earlier than me. (同义句) i go to schoolhim.

does well in english.(改为否定句) hewell in english.

is about ten kilometers from here.(提问is it from here?

9. at get bus the you off the can 11th stop (?连词成句)



my home isone kilometrefrom the school.


to get thereyou canbus no. 1.


gothis street, and then turnat the first crossing.

you can see the bookshopof you.

4.多做运动,你会更强壮more exercise, then you’ll getsoon.

5.谁更早起床,你还是你的妹妹? whoupyou or your sister?

6.火车站离这儿不远。look, the trainis nothere.


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