
发布 2020-03-26 19:35:28 阅读 5902

六年级英语周末练习 2012-2-13

一、 翻译下列词组:(32分)

1.来自 holiday

3.向左转 far

5.上公共汽车 along this street

7.每隔三天 to get there

9.购物中心 book about history





iii ) the hospital far from can go there by bus.

) far is the hospital from here? can take bus no.3.

) can i get to the 's over there.

) bus shall i 's a long walk.

) is the bus stope. about two kilometres away.


green islive ) in shanghai.

huacome ) from china.

huawant) tovisit) the zoo.

and her twin sister___take ) no.9. bus last monday.

many___stop) are there ?

get off at thetwo) stop.

right at the thirdcross). you can’t miss it.


you tell me the wayto, in ) the post office.

turn leftin, at )the third crossing.

bank of china isin, on ) your left.

cantake, talk) bus no.6.

can i getin, to ) the shopping centre ?

man ran outon, of ) the shop.

about twokilometres, centimetres) away.



can youthe___to nan menjie primary school


this___and thenthe __crossing.


the history museum is __your __youit.


___canthe guang hua middle school ?


is the bus stophere ?



a mrs smith is a friend of mine. she comes from america. she is living in china now.

she’s on holiday. yesterday i met her on wumo road. she wanted to go to the post office to post a letter to her son, but she didn’t know the way.

i spoke to her in english. i said she could take bus no. 9.

it is next to wujiang library, and get off at the fourth stop. mrs smith was very happy to see me, she said she was going to the shopping centre later, and i told her the way.


)1. where does mrs smith come from?

a. the ukb. the usac. china.

)2. where did mrs smith want to go first?

a. the post officeb. the libraryc. the shopping centre.

)3. who did she want to post a letter to?

a. her daughterb. her sonc. her husband.

)4. how can mrs smith go to the post office?

a. by busb. by bikec. take bus no. 6.

)5. how was mrs smith?

a. she was not happyb. she was happyc. she’s forty-one.

b last sunday, lucy and i went to a bookshop, then we wanted to go to the shopping centre but we didn’t know the way how to get to the bookshop. we asked the policeman in the street for help. he told us to walk along renmin road, and turn right at the fourth crossing.

then we walked and walked but we didn’t see the bookshop. we were too tired so we took a taxi. “please take us to the bookshop.

” we told the taxi driver. the taxi driver laughed and said, “the bookshop is over there, you may get off now.”

对的在括号内写 “t”, 错的在括号内写 “f”。

)1. lucy and i went to the bookshop last saturday.

)2. we also wanted to go to the shopping centre.

)3. the policeman told us the way to the shopping centre.

)4. lucy and i went to the bookshop by taxi.

)5. the driver didn’t know the way to the bookshop.


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