
发布 2024-01-30 15:30:03 阅读 5164









一,下列各组单词中划线部分的读音与其它三个划线部分的读音不同,请选出 (共 10 分,

)1. a. hand b. g**e c. map d. plan

)2. a. went b. bed c. me d. get

)3. a. he**y b. sleep c. weekend d. meet

)4. a. car b. father c. warm d. hard

)5. a. start b. car c. father d. swam

二,翻译下列短语: (每空 1 分,共 10 分)

1.全世界___the world 2.制定计划 __a __3. 去游泳。

4.长城 the5.起床。


)1, a,bike b,subway c,stop d,plane

)2, a,north b,south c,east d,buy

( )3, a,play b,watch c,find d,post office

)4, a,actor b,singer c,traffic d,writer

( )5, a,rain b,cloud c,stream d,bike

四,单项选择: (每小题 1 分,共 20 分)

) 1. your pen is newer than

a. mine b. me c. her

) 2. zhuhai isthan guangzhou, i think.

a most beautiful b. beautiful c. more beautiful

( )3. i learnedpictures on the computer.

a to draw b. drawc. drew

) she go to school in the morning ?

a isb. doesc. do

) is __american national flag. there __fifty stars on it. a.

a , isb. an , arec. an , is

) 6. what film are you going to

a. seeb. watchc. look

) 7. romethan paris.

a are warmer b. is warmerc. is warmmer

) 8. my grandfather usuallythe flowers in the morning.

a. watering b. is watering c. waters

) 9. listen! xiaolingin her classroom.

a. singsb. singingc. is singing

) 10. yesterday my parents and iour house.

a. are cleaning b. cleaned c. are going to clean

( )11,how __he go to the park ?

a, is b. does c. do

( )12, frist,__the seeds in the soil.

b. put c. get

( )13is the cinema? -it's next to the post office.

b. where c. what

( )14,what are you going to do __sunday?

b. atc. in

( )15,walk straight __3 minutes.

b. at c. with

( )16,where does the __come from ? it comes from the clouds.

b. sun c. cloud

( )17,what __she like to do?

does c. is

( )18,chen jie likes __a bike.

b. riding c. rides

)19,amy is a teacher, she __english.

a. teach b. teaches c. teacher

)20,an actor is usually a __

a. man b. woman c. police


1. i'm thiner than your brother

2. what's the matter ? my nose hurt

3. if you are sick ,please stay in bed for a few day

4. what does he do last weekend

5. how did you go to there

六,按要求改写下列句子: (每小题 2 分,共 10 分)

1. it's nine thirty in the morning. (对划线部分提问)

watched tv with my parents yesterday . 对划线部分提问)

3. i am a chinese girl.(用 she 改写)

are you going to be when you grow up? (自由回答)

where, they, did, go.(连词成句)


zhang peng w___busy last weekend .he v___his grangmother saturday morther .it w___his grangmother's brithday .

they w___tv and a___breakfast together .sunday morning ,he p___football with his friends . in the afternoon , he w___his clothes and c___his room .

in the evening ,he d___his homework and w___to bed at 21:00 .

八,阅读理解,回答问题。( 5分)

my name is tim. tomorrow is the weekend. we h**e no classes.

my parents aren't going to work, but we are going to h**e a busy day. my mother is going to buy something for next week. my father is going to visit my aunt and uncle.

i'm going to play ping -pong with my cousin. tomorrow evening we are going to h**e a big dinner. after that we are going to the cinema.

i think we are going to h**e a nice weekend.


期末测试卷。一 认真填空。最后一题2分,其余每空1分,共23分 1.16 25 10小数 2.下面的线段中,一共有 条线段。3.如果 那么 4.两个周长是4厘米的小正方形拼成一个长方形,拼成的长方形的长是 厘米,周长是 厘米。5.如果a b c 2 4 3,三个数的平均数是12,那么这三个数中最大的...


一。判断题。20分 如果你认为正确的选a,如果认为错误的选b,并把结果涂在答题卡相应的位置上。1 一个不为0的自然数乘真分数,积一定小于这个自然数。a a 正确b.错误。2 一个自然数a a不为0 它的倒数是。b a 正确b.错误。3 一双鞋进价280元,进商场后加价25 销售,搞 时在销售价的基础...


六年级下册数学期末测试卷 二 班级姓名得分。一 填空。18分 读着 省略万位后面的尾数约是 2 一根5米长的绳子平均剪成8段,每段占全长的 每段长 3 下面各数中是正数的有 个,是负数的有 个。4 用 五个数组成的四位数中,能同时被 整除的最小四位数是 2分 5 甲除以乙,商是,甲与乙的和是21,甲...