
发布 2024-01-29 14:35:01 阅读 1140


话题一:country /city life & daily life




假如amy 是你的笔友,请给她写一封邮件,向她描述一下你的城市。


范文]i like living in the city. i live in a big city. it’s very big and modern.

the streets are wide and clean.

there are many cars and buses on the streets. the traffic is he**y and slow. and it is very noisy.


are some parks and cinemas in the city. i can go to the park or go to see a film at the weekend. my

house is near the school. so i can go to school on foot.


灵活运用课文句子:i like /love living in...

there is/ are...

the air here is ..

the streets are...

the food is...

i can...

i am always...but i never...because i ..

when i...

so i think a ..life is...

积累描述城市或农村的形容词:fresh wide crowed big small beautiful clean healthy modern quiet. noisy expensive he**y slow comfortable new tall...

请以“my daily life”为题写一篇小作文。50词左右。


范文]my daily life

my name is danny. i am eleven years old. i live in a small village with my mother and father.

every day i get up at six o’clock. i h**e breakfast at home. after breakfast i go to school by bike.

i h**e three classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon. after school, i play football in the playground with my friends. at six i go home.

first i do my homework. then i help my mother do some housework. when we finish the dinner, we watch tv for an hour.

i go to bed at half past nine.





范文]yesterday was my birthday. we had a birthday party in our house. i ate a lot of ice cream and cake.

at night, i had a stomachache. my mother took me to the hospital and saw a doctor. the doctor g**e me a check-up and asked me to take medicine three times a day.

he also asked me to h**e a rest and drink more hot water.


积累生病相关短语和看病用语:h**e a stomachache; h**e a toothache; h**e a broken finger; h**e a cold; h**e a headache; h**e a fever; take medicine 3times a day for one week; brush teeth twice a day; take a rest; drink plenty of water; give...a check-up; you should...

以“my healthy life”为题写一篇小作文,字数50左右。

范文]my name is peter. i eat two apples and drink two glasses of milk a day. i eat plenty of vegetables.

i go jogging in the morning, and i play soccer with my friends in the evening. i like to play computer games sometimes, but i don’t play every day. i think it is a healthy life.

话题三:past experiences



do you like tr**elling?用不少于5句英文描述自己最难忘的一次旅行。



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