
发布 2023-09-12 16:36:58 阅读 6000


unit 3 is this your pencil?

sound time, rhyme time & ticking time


teaching contents 教学内容。

sound time, rhyme time & ticking time

teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标。

1. 能掌握字母r在单词中的发音。

2. 学生能读懂小诗a ruler并创编。

3. 能在教师的引导下对自己的学习进行自我评价。

focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点。



teaching procedures教学过程。

step 1 revision

t: it’s time for class. let’s meet a new friend first.

look! he’s coming. (引出mr robot) mr robot brings us a rhyme.

let’s read it.

学生齐读my nice ruler)

t: what is the song about?

s: a ruler and a rubber.

t: yes, they’re school things. can you name more about school things?

s: …t: good job.

and they belong to different people. now look at the picture. can you make a dialogue with your deskmate?

s: is this/that your …?


step 2 ticking time and rhyme time

1. ticking time

t: you all did a good job. now you can do ticking by yourself or your deskmate.

设计意图:通过看图说话,询问物品是否是他人的,检测单元重点句型的掌握和运用情况,并通过ticking time的分级要求,进行自我评价。】

2. play a game

t: congratulations. you got a lot of stars.

so, mr robot will give you a present. it’s in the pencil case. guess what is it?

you can guess like this: is it a …?

s: is it a ruler?

t: bingo. it’s a ruler. look! here’s a ruler too. whose ruler is it?

s: is it …’s ruler?/sorry, we don’t know.


3. rhyme time

t: now let’s enjoy a rhyme and find the answer. (ppt**儿歌**)

s: it’s mr fuller’s ruler.

t: yes, and where is it?

s: it’s on the floor, just beside the door. (此句子为难点,可以多找学生读一读, 注意door和floor押韵。)

t: now let’s say the rhyme together.

s: read.

t: can you make a rhyme like this? you can discuss in groups of four.

t: show your rhyme, please.


step 3 sound time

t: look! the ruler isn’t on the floor. where is the ruler?

s: it’s in mr robot’s hand.

t: what colour is the robot?

s: it’s red. so, a red robot has a ruler and rubber. (出示完整的句子,跟读,模仿读)

t: now pay attention to these words. (圈出带r的单词) what can you find?

s: they all h**e the letter “r”.

t: what is r pronounced in the words?

s: /r/

t: let’s watch and check.

t: yes, you’re right. and what other words with r can you find?

s: …t: try to read the new words.

学生读单词并完成ticking time)


step 4 consolidation

t: well done, boys and girls! but mr robot is in trouble now.

(出示**,机器人先生手中的橡皮不见了,他正在寻找。) can you help him? make a dialogue in groups and act it out.

homework 家庭作业。

1. 听录音跟读sound time和rhyme time,注意节奏。

2. 用本单元句型和单词创编儿歌。

teaching aids 教学准备。


说课。本节课是以ticking time总结评价为主要目的,通过rhyme time和sound time来展开课堂教学的。

第一板块是rhyme time。首先通过歌曲游戏等复习本单元句型,然后利用一幅综合性的**进行进一步巩固和运用,并通过练习检测学生是否已经掌握,让学生先进行自评和互评。

第二板块是sound time。通过mr robot这个主线人物,自然过渡到字母的学习。通过教师口型示范和**字母动画,学生学习字母的发音,并感受它们在单词中的发音。






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