
发布 2023-09-12 16:36:58 阅读 8484


unit 1 in class

cartoon time


teaching contents教学内容。

cartoon time

teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标。

1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用单词:robot, rubber和parrot。

2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:look at the … don’t …

3. 能快速用it’s a … 来回答what’s this?的提问。

4. 能用don’t … 来造句。

focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点。

1. 能区分robot和rubber。

2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:look at the … don’t …

3. 能用don’t …来造句。

teaching procedures 教学过程。

step 1 warm-up

1. greetings

t: good morning, class.

s: good morning, miss ji.

t: nice to see you.

s: nice to see you too.

2. play a game—magic eyes

t: let’s play a game first. when you see the picture, please say it loudly.

if you see a bomb, please say “bomb”. understand?

s: yes

设计意图:通过游戏来调动学生的积极性,另一方面也可以复习前两课时学习的人物。最后呈现mr robot,为下一环节的教学做铺垫。】

step 2 practice—say and do

t: who’s he?

s: it’s a robot.

t: this is mr robot. let’s say hello to him.

s: hello, mr robot.

t: mr robot can do many things. can you give him some orders?

please look at the pictures.

1) s1: mr robot, please stand up.

r: ok.

2) s2: mr robot, please sit down.

3) s3: mr robot, open the book please.

4) s4: mr robot, close the book please.

5) t: what about this picture?

s: mr robot, please look at the blackboard.

t: great.


step 3 cartoon time

1. ask and answer

t: boys and girls, look at the blackboard, please.

s: yes, miss ji.

t: what’s this?

s1: it’s a robot.

t: yes, you’re right. what’s this?

s2: it’s a …

t: it’s a rubber. (教读rubber)

2. watch and answer

t: sam is looking at the blackboard too. now let’s watch a cartoon and think about these questions.


) 1) who is the teacher?

a. bobby. b. sam. c. the parrot.

) 2) does sam know the answer (知道答案)?

a. yesb. no.

) 3) is the parrot correct (正确)?

a. yesb. no.


3. t: look at bobby. he is not happy. why?

s: …t: what does bobby say?

s: don’t listen to the parrot.

t: good. (新授parrot和listen to)

4. listen and repeat

5. read in roles

step 4 consolidation

1. act the story

2. add a new ending to the story

t: bobby asks sam again. what will sam say this time? discuss in groups and act it out.

step 5 summary

1. make a summary of the sentence pattern “don’t …”

2. try to say (ppt呈现**)

picture 1: don’t close the door.

picture 2: don’t stand up.

picture 3: don’t open the door.

picture 4: don’t open the window.

picture 5: don’t sit down.

picture 6: don’t close the window.

homework 家庭作业。

1. read cartoon time.

2. write the dialogues after class.


teaching aids 教学准备。


说课。本单元的cartoon time 呈现的是小老鼠bobby当小老师,却遇到书上的鹦鹉干扰教学的一个场景。内容比较生动,学生也比较感兴趣。

在本课教学中,教师根据故事教学的特点,通过****,提出问题,**动画和回答问题等活动,逐步引导学生从整体上理解故事内容。考虑到本课时为本单元的第三课时,教学内容相对比较简单,学生有了前两节课的基础,语言输出难度相对较小。因此,在第一个环节,教师用mr robot会做各种指令,让学生对他发出指令。

学生在游戏的过程中操练了口令用语,增加了语言输出的趣味性。本部分出现了几个新词汇,虽然是三会要求的单词,但少数学生还是很难分辨robot 和rubber。教师在这节课中以robot贯穿始终,也是在加深学生对这个单词的印象。



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