
发布 2023-09-12 16:36:58 阅读 8093


unit 1 in class

sound time, rhyme time, checkout time & ticking time


teaching contents教学内容。

sound time, rhyme time, checkout time & ticking time

teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标。

1. 复习本单元单词和日常交际用语:door, window, blackboard, stand up, sit down, open, close, please come in.

和i’m sorry.

2. 能够正确读出辅音字母b的发音,并自己归纳一些词的发音。

3. 会有节奏的朗读儿歌open the window.

focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点。

1. 能够看图快速说出相应的祈使句。

2. 能够正确读出辅音字母b的发音,并自己归纳一些词的发音。

teaching procedures 教学过程。

step 1 warm-up

1. greeting

t: good morning, class.

s: good morning, miss ji.

t: nice to see you.

s: nice to see you, too.

2. free talk

t: hi, …nice to see you.

s1: nice to see you, miss ji.

t: i’m hot. open the window, please.

s1: ok.

t: thank you.


step 2 revision

1. bobby in class

t: look at the picture. where are mr green and the students?

s: they are in the classroom.

t: good. oh, bobby is here too. let’s say hello to him.

s: hello, bobby.

2. let’s talk

t: bobby wants to know the things in the classroom. let’s talk about them.

s1: what’s this/that?

s2: it’s a …

3. look and say (checkout time)

t: bobby wants to open the door. but he is short.

now a boy comes to help him. what can bobby say?

s: please open the window.

t: good.

t: what about this picture? what will he say this time?

s: please close the window. (依次呈现stand up.

/sit down./please open the door./please close the door.

/please look at the blackboard.)

t: great.


step 3 presentation—rhyme time

1. t: please listen to a rhyme and repeat. (逐句**rhyme time录音)

open the window, open the door.

s: open the window, open the door.

2. t: go on listening, please. open your book and say “hello!”

s: open your book and say “hello!”

t: what does say hello mean?

s: 打招呼。

t: good. let’s say hello to bobby.

s: hello, bobby.

t: wonderful.

3. t: now let’s listen and enjoy the whole rhyme.

try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation. (呈现rhyme time)

t: what does off we go mean? it means “我们走吧”.

t: now let’s read it together.

4. talk and act

t: you all did very well. now let’s h**e a match with your partner.


s: mr robot, please stand up.

s: mr robot, please sit down.

s: mr robot, please open the door.

s: mr robot, please close the window.

s: mr robot, please open the window.

设计意图:通过上一步骤的复习,自然引入rhyme time的学习。重点提示儿歌中的两个短语“say hello”和“off we go”,加深学生的印象。】

step 4 sound time

t: let’s watch a cartoon. then please guess what letter is it about? (**flash)

t: what letter is it?

s: b.t: let’s read these words. (教师带读sound time中的例词ball, birthday, book, robot)

t: listen to the rhyme and read after the tape.

s: big books, big books, bob has two big, big books.

t: do you know some other words?

s: .t:

now we’ll make a new rhyme. do you want to try? look at these pictures and say them loudly.

s: balls/bees/bears/birds.

t: prepare with your partner for one minute.

s: big balls, big balls, bob has two big, big balls.

t: great. let’s cheer for them.


step 5 ticking time

t: so much for unit 1. now please move on to ticking time and tick for yourself.

homework 家庭作业。

1. make new rhymes with your friends.

2. read the sound time of this unit.


teaching aids 教学准备。


说课。本节课是本单元的第四课时,主要是复习本单元的词汇和祈使句型的运用,学习rhyme time和sound time板块。在设计每个教学环节时,教师都尽量让学生的情感、行为、思维参与到学习过程中,真正体现以学生为主体的教学理念。

为了避免复习环节的枯燥,教师根据四年级学生的年龄特点设计了形式多样的语言操练活动,充分激活学生已有的语言知识,激发学生说的兴趣。为了增加checkout time的趣味性,教师为checkout time创设了场景,加入了主线人物bobby,让学生在自然的交流中运用本单元的词汇和句型。


英语 三年级下册 unit 1 in class cartoon time 金坛市华罗庚实验学校吉扬。teaching contents教学内容。cartoon time teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标。1.能听懂 会说 会读 会运用单词 rob...


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班级姓名得分。一 英汉互译。1 什么时间2 wake up 3 我的铅笔4 twelve o clock 5 你的包6 how old 7 到了该上课的时候了8 hurry up 2 单项选择。1is it it s ten time b.what s time c.what 2 it s time...