
发布 2023-06-03 10:00:28 阅读 7616

二、第一节(单项选择) 【2014山东济宁】16.__15th international film festival will be held in shanghai. b.

an c. a d.\ 答案】 a 【解析】考查冠词的用法。


【2014山东济宁】 likes trekking___the jungle, because he thinks it's exciting. 【答案】d 【解析】考查介词辨析。over “在上面”; under “在下面”;across “穿过”,指的是从物体表面穿过;through “穿过”,指的是从立体空间穿过。

jungle 意为“丛林”,故用介词through。 trek through the jungle “穿越丛林”。 2014山东济宁】18.

lily and her sister look the same. i can't tell one from___c. the other d.

others 【答案】c【解析】考查代词辨析。the other 指的是两者中的两外一个。句意:

丽丽与她姐姐看起来相同。我不能分辨彼此。 【2014山东济宁】 the talent show, i performed well and ann did 【答案】b【解析】考查形容词比较级用法。


even “甚至;更”修饰比较级。better 是副词well的比较级形式。 【2014山东济宁】 toy mickey mouse __be amy's.

she's the only kid at the picnic. c. need 't 【答案】a【解析】考查情态动词的用法。


must :一定。 【2014山东济宁】21.

—peter doesn't know many people do i am i c. neither am i d. neither do i 【答案】d【解析】考查倒装句。

题干是否定句,故用neither;根据doesn’t know 可知,用助动词do , 故选d。 【2014山东济宁】22.—sorry, mr green.

i h**e___my homework at home. —never mind. but don't forger next time.

d. remained 【答案】c【解析】考查动词辨析。le**e sth someplace “把忘在某地”。


下次不要忘了。故选c。 【2014山东济宁】23.

—ted, could you please___the trash? —of course, mom. after off out care of 【答案】c【解析】考查动词短语。

take out the trash 意为“取出垃圾”。 2014山东济宁】24.—will you go and see the movie net mother with me?

—thank you. but i __it already. b.

h**e seen c. see see 【答案】b【解析】考查动词时态。根据标志词already可知,是运用现在完成时态,表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响。

五、【单词拼写与运用】 根据句意完成已给出首字母或汉语提示的单词,使补全后的句子意思通顺,语法正确。 【2014山东济宁】1. now the students h**e no lessons on sand sunday.

【2014山东济宁】2. it’s cold in australia in july. people there wear w___clothes.

【2014山东济宁】3. hangzhou has lots of wonderful swest lake is just one of them. 【2014山东济宁】4.

ann kept sall day because his little brother broke her toy bear. 2. warm 3.

scenery4. silent 【2014山东济宁】5. bob is six feet in身高) 【2014山东济宁】6.

it’s good manners to keep your声音) down in public. 【2014山东济宁】7. my parents usually花费) lots of money on books.

【2012山东济宁】8. —what’s your biggest问题)? i don’t h**e enough time to sleep.

5. height 6. voice 7.

spend 8. problem 六、【动词运用】 【2014山东济宁】 阅读下面短文,用括号内的所给的动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。(请将各小题的答案写在短文后相应的横线上) middle school life is coming to an end.

different students h**e different memories(记忆). let’s take a look at two of the unforgettable memories. li xiaohui, 15 my most unforgettable experience was the running for the pe test.

when i 1 (run), i was too tired to go on. all my classmates came up to me and cheered me up. their encouragement helped me finish the run!

i 2 never 2 (forget) it! gao mingyi, 16 the most important one to me was my english teacher. last year, when she 3 (know) i had given up an english-speaking contest, she told me, “any opportunity is important and you don’t know the result until you 4 (finish) it.

don’t give up easily.” later on, i made my good use of every opportunity i had and achieved good results

a【主旨大意】本文讲述了两位学生初中生活最难忘的事情。 1. ran 2.

will forget 3. knew 4. finish2014山东济宁】 b who’s the boy in the photo?

yes, he is liu wei, an armless pianist. liu lost both arms in an accident at the age of 10, but he never g**e up his dream of becoming a pianist. he couldn’t find a teacher 5 (teach) him to play the piano with his feet.

so he learned it by himself. he kept practicing for 7 hours every day. three years later, he became the champion of china’s got talent.

and he 6 (choose) as one of the “top ten people who touched china in 2011.” he often 7 (say) “for people like me, there are only two choice: one is to give up all dream, which will lead to a quick, hopeless death.

the other is to struggle without arms to live an outstanding life.” what can you learn from liu wei? 1.

__234567b 【主旨大意】本文是记叙文。主要讲述了残疾人刘伟的成功事迹。虽然他没有双臂,但是身残志坚,成为了一位成功的钢琴家。

在2023年被选为“感动中国10大杰出人物之一”。 5. to teach 6.

was chosen 7. says 七.书面表达(共1小题,计15分) 【2014山东济宁】假如你叫李华,市第三中学初三的学生。星期天你和班里的同学去康乐敬老院(old folk’s home) 参加了社区活动。



(二)列举写作要点 1. 乘坐的交通工具,去往敬老院。老人见到我们的心情。

2. 在敬老院,我们为老人做的事情。我们的感受。

3. 总结:作为学生我们很喜欢参加社区活动。

帮助老人是我们的职责。 (三)列举重点短语和句型重点短语:take the school bus, help sb do sth, sweep the floor, clean the windows, clean the desk, enjoy oneself , h**e lunch 重点句型:

we swept the floor for them, we cleaned the windows and we also cleaned the deskand i think it’s our duty to help the old people. 【范文】 sundayfine today, we took the school bus to kang le old folk’s home. the old people greeted us warmly and they were very pleased to see us.

we helped them do a lot of things in the old folk’s home. we swept the floor for them, we cleaned the windows and we also cleaned the desk. some girls danced for them and we enjoyed ourselves that day.

finally, we had lunch together with the old people and the dishes were very delicious. as the students in grade nine in no.3 middle school, we like the activity very much.

and i think it’s our duty to help the old people, do you think so?


2013年黑龙江省哈尔滨市中考物理试卷。一 选择题 每小题只有一个正确答案,本题共12小题,每小题2分,共24分 1 如图所示,对基本测量仪器的操作和使用,正确的是 a b c d 测量物体质量测量木块长度测量液体温度测量蓄电池两极间电压 2 下列有关声现象的说法,不正确的是 a 吉它声是由琴弦的振...


2014中考 怎样让作文语言更细腻。学校很多老师会跟同学们说 你,这 这 这,还有这,语言太不细腻了。同学们诚惶诚恐地听完,通常情况下,到底也没理解什么叫做细腻。今天,我们来看看,到底怎么让作文的语言更加细腻。首先,明确什么叫 细腻 所谓 细腻 可从两方面来理解 第一,细节刻画真实生动,通过细节能真...


2013山东济南市学业水平考试地理试题。一 选择题 每题只有一个正确选项,共50分 认识地球 2013年5月20日15时,美国中部俄克拉荷马州遭遇龙卷风袭击,造成24人死亡,40人失踪的重大灾难,引起全世界的关注。阅读 资料,完成1 2题。1 此时,地球公转位置正确的是 2 灾难发生时,下列说法正确...