英语3光盘作业 第十单元

发布 2023-05-21 11:59:28 阅读 1710

unit 10 health and leisure

vocabulary>>task 1alcoholic含酒精的annoying恼人的,讨厌的be well off(经济)状况好的brisk轻快的cause引起;原因,理由;目的,理想conclude推断出,推论出constant不变的,持续的dairy乳制品的died饮食;特定的食谱dizzy(指人)晕眩的,使(人)困惑的double使加倍;双重的,两倍的;两倍encourage鼓励endorse赞同,认可expert专家fluctuate波动,变动,上下浮动fly in the face of公然反抗habit习惯inactive不活动的。

irrespective(of)不顾及的,不考虑的junk废旧物,垃圾level水平;高度;平的;弄平limit限度manufacturer制造商misunderstand误解nation国家,民族on the go(口)在进行活动,忙碌overweight过重的,超重的percentage百分比,百分率prematurely过早地;早熟地pressure压力researcher研究人员restrict限制,约束routine常规shape外形,体形skinny瘦的,皮包骨头snack小吃,快餐stretch伸展sugar糖sweat汗;出汗upset心烦的,苦恼的weigh称……重量,称weight体重,重量。



vocabulary>>task 2


vocabulary>>task 3


vocabulary>>task 4c d c b c b d a a b

reading>>reading passage 1a b a b c

reading>>reading passage 2a d

reading>>reading passage 3d d a

grammar & function>>task 11. go;will meet2. see;will give3.

need;will come4. will meet;stay5. passed;would be

6. won/win;would win/will win7. were;would take8. would repair;knew

grammar & function>>task 2

1. what would i h**e if i phoned a delivery service (for lunch)?2.

why would it be better if i drank water with wine (in the pub)?3. what would i cook if i invited people to my house for dinner?

4. what would i make if i brought a snack to work?

5. why would it be better if i had a diet coke in the evenings?

grammar & function>>task 3

join;be;go;take;take;continue;stick to;add

grammar & function>>task 41. h**e been advised2. h**e been sitting3.

h**e been told4. h**e been going5. has been stopping6.

h**e been reprinted7. has been taken8. h**e been phoning

grammar & function>>task 5

c a d c d b b a c d

listening & speaking>>task 1

6,000;£1.5 billion;81%;2,400,000;5.1%;50%;£45;three quarters

listening & speaking>>task 2


health and eating habit

an eating habit is closely related to health. in order to keep fit, we should pay more attention to oureating habits. my suggestions for a good eating habit are as follows:

first, don't eat too much or too little for each meal. eating too much will cause overweight and eatingtoo little, malnutrition.

second, don't eat between meals. sometimes we like eating biscuits and chips before the mealtime; asa result, we lose our appetitefor lunch or eat more vegetables and fruits everyday.

in my opinion, a good eating habit leads to a healthy life.


unit 9 the olympic games vocabulary task 1adopt采用 接受 收 领 养amount数量ancient古代的athlete运动员award授予ban禁止,取缔 书刊等 bid投标,申办出价compete竞赛,竞争competition竞赛,竞争contin...

第十讲excel 3

一 单元格数据填充 1 填充相同的数据 将光标置于所选数据右下角,显示 然后拖动。2 填充规律的数据 选择有规律倾向的数据,多面手将光标置于所选数据右下角,显示 然后拖动3 填充自定义数据 工具 选项 自定义序列。二 记录单 包含相关数据的一系列工作表数据行 数据 记录单 1 添加 修改 删除记录。...


1.2 简述信息传输系统的五个组成部分的作用?答 信息传输系统的五个组成部分的作用分别是 信源是产生消息的源。信道是信息传输和存储的媒介。编码器是将消息变换成适合于信道传送的信号的设备 译码器是编码器的逆变换,分为信道译码器和信源译码器,信道译码器是从受干扰的信号中尽可能地再现信源的输出。信源译码器...